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Practices for Intercultural Communication and Diversity Management


7.4 Practices for Intercultural Communication and Diversity Management

taken into account when managing a diverse workforce” could be useful. For the managers of diverse organisations meetings could be organised where they could share their experiences and give advice to each other. According to the interviews, managers want to share their experiences and discuss about those.

Intercultural communication and diversity management challenges were discussed in this chapter and now it is time to present how the research answers to the research question of the diversity management and intercultural communication practices organisations have developed.

7.4 Practices for Intercultural Communication and Diversity Management

One organisation had recruited employees from Vietnam and that way invested in the future by creating networks. Now they have a recruiting strategy which they can use whenever they need. In another interview it was mentioned that the management of an organisation requires recruiting foreigners because in the future they will need foreign employees. Gaining the diversity management experiences now will help them in the future. Bagshaw (2004) states that

“diversity is…a long-term strategic business factor that has a significant impact on productivity, workforce motivation and innovation, market competitiveness, teamwork and customer loyalty" (p. 154).

The importance of learning the Finnish language and culture has been noticed. The organisation has decided that next time the Finnish language must be taught and cultural training provided for the employees in their home country, before they come to Finland. One of the managers had forbidden employees to speak in their own language at the workplace because it is disrespectful for the other employees if they do not understand what they are talking about. Several organisations had used interpreters when managers did

not have a common language with employees. One organisation has organised a practical Finnish language course for their foreign employee and also put people into situations, for example cocktail parties, where they need to speak Finnish – that way they will learn to use the language. Some organisations let other foreign employees orientate the new foreigner employees if they have a common language.

Chen and Starosta (2005) state that organisations should ensure that people at all levels of organisations develop their understanding of different cultures and cultural sensitivity through training (pp. 218-220). The research results showed that because of the cultural differences, both Finnish and foreign employees should learn about each others cultures and languages. In some organisations Finnish and foreign employees have common activities outside work which enhances adaptation, cohesion and learning about each others cultures. Immigrants may have sponsoring families which help them with practical matters and they have multicultural groups including Finnish and foreign participants. Intercultural communication and diversity training can be seen as important parts of diversity management in multicultural environment.

Employees’ and employers’ intercultural communication skills and intercultural competence affects diversity management and wellbeing of employees. That way misunderstandings and conflicts can be minimized.

Several managers said that they would like to know how to speak the languages of their foreign subordinates. Still, it is not enough to know the language, also knowing about culture is a key element. Knowledge of culture and cultural differences is essential in business. The whole cooperation can be ruined if intercultural communication does not work. All people have general cultural perceptions and stereotypes but we can learn away from those. Without unnecessary perceptions and stereotypes miscommunication can be minimized.

Neuliep (2009) states that when intercultural communication is open-minded and sincere, people may work towards goals which benefit everyone. When intercultural communication is successful, we can reduce and manage conflicts.

Learning about other people and their cultures is a key to understand other cultures better. (pp. 4-5) According to the research results only two organisations had organised intercultural training for the employees.

One of the organisations had organised an orientation for new employees and it was conducted by an employee who speaks the same language, has long experience in the organisation and knows his or her duties well.

Municipalities in South Ostrobothnia have set up Immigration Centers and immigration coordinator posts, which has helped organisations with the paperwork and instructions. Some organisations have their own service centers concerning immigration issues. Foreigners may receive help concerning practical issues too, such as tax payments, living, transportation or work related issues. All documents foreign employees need, have been translated into English. Some organisations have working instructions in English.

Conclusion chapter was reflective and it gathered the main results of the research as well as the meaning of the results. Next we will turn to the last chapter of the thesis, discussion, which deals with the exploitation of the research results, reliability and validity of the research and includes suggestions concerning further research subjects.


The objective of the study was to discuss management of the multicultural workforce from the viewpoint of economics and especially from the human relations point of view and intercultural communication in the multicultural working environment at the organisational level. The aim of the study was to find out what kind of experiences South Ostrobothnian managers have in multicultural organisations concerning diversity management and intercultural communication. This study aimed to enhance the multiculturalism and internationalisation of South Ostrobothnia, produce information concerning diversity management and intercultural communication issues for the organisations and to bring more scientific research results concerning the research area.

Research questions were formed on the basis of the diversity management and intercultural communication theory. The aim of the study was reached and comprehensive responses to the main research question “What kind of experiences South Osthrobotnian managers have concerning diversity management and intercultural communication in multicultural working environment?” were received and the interviewees were willing to share their experiences. The researcher was also able to find broad answers to the sub-questions: “What does multicultural working environment require of management?”, “What kind of benefits organisation can achieve through multicultural workforce?”, “What kind of challenges have organisations faced concerning intercultural communication and diversity management in multicultural working environment?” and “What kind of diversity management and intercultural communication practices have organisations developed?”. The main findings of the research are described in the next chapter.

Organisations have been able to reach several benefits through multicultural workforce. They have been able to find enough skilled workforce, enhance the intercultural competence of the employees, get new experiences, create networks, learn about new languages and cultures, improve teamwork, reach new ideas and thoughts, recruit experts who have knowledge of certain

cultures, language skills and understanding of the markets of another country than Finland. The image of the organisations was seen to be more positive. The managers described foreign employees, originating from several cultures, as follows: committed, flexible, motivated, hardworking, positive and quick to learn. Experiences concerning foreign employees have been good and Finnish colleagues and managers have been mainly pleased because of the multicultural working environment which had proved to be tolerant. Good experiences have caused that more foreign employees have been recruited after the first recruitment. The advantage of multicultural organisations could be that they can develop a diversity strategy. Some organisations have solved the lack of workforce from now until the future by creating networks of recruiting foreign employees. Organisations have created an approach which can be easily applied in the future during the larger labour shortage.

The managers think that they have to treat all employees in the same way and mainly it has come true in organisations. On some occasions Finnish employees need to be treated carefully so that they do not take offence.

In this study it became clear that nowadays it is not possible to pay less to the foreign employees than Finnish employees. Because of different communication styles managers need to pay attention to intercultural communication situations. Management styles are different in different parts of the world. Managers should take that into account in multicultural working environment. One of the most important research findings is that language skills were emphasized on several occasions. Enhancing the language skills of all workforce, employees and managers is important.

The biggest challenges in a multicultural working environment are linked with the language. Several problems may arise because of language: for example difficulties concerning task completing, understanding for safety rules or social interaction at work. Cultural differences have caused difficult situations. Intercultural training has not been organised in many organisations.

It would possibly help organisations to minimise the conflicts and solve the conflict situations. Knowledge of each other’s culture could help people to communicate better and enhance understanding. Bureucracy was seen challenging as well as residence permit issues. Resistance concerning work related immigration at the workplaces has been minimal, but in the community

public criticism has been noticed. However, it may be that it is a small but loud group that criticises. Still, stances have become more tolerant during the past ten years.

Local authorities in South Ostrobothnia have set up Immigration Centers, which has helped organisations with the paperwork and instructions as well as organisations’ own service centers concerning immigration issues. Still, some managers do not know where to ask or where to guide the foreign employees to ask their questions which are not related to work. It is important that the documents and instructions foreign employees need, are in English or other language they know. Other foreign employees can help in orientation of new foreigners if they have a common language.