• Ei tuloksia

Performance Optimization

6. Conclusions

6.4 Performance Optimization

The MATLAB deployed applications in Java uses the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) at runtime. The MCR is loaded when class in the deployed component is instan-tiated for the first time. The loading of MCR usually takes time between 20 seconds to 1 minute which adds additional delay in the execution of the program. Performance of the web services can be improved by loading MCR at server startup instead of loading it during first initialization of the deployed component by user.

Incoming message is parsed in the implementation class of the web services in Java.

Message parsing can be improved by making separate parser classes or implement with-in MATLAB functions. Similar improvements can be brought with-in copywith-ing data to out-going message as well.


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<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" element-FormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">

<!-- Definition of analyticServiceRequest element, the base element of the schema -->

<xs:element name="analyticServiceRequest">


<xs:documentation>analyticServiceRequest contains the data and parameters required for analytic service execution</xs:documentation>


<!-- Definition of serviceParameters element -->

<xs:element name="serviceParameters">


<xs:documentation>serviceParameters element contains all the pa-rameters to be passed to the analytic service</xs:documentation>




<! metadata elements to describe the serviceParameters -->

<xs:element ref="metadata" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>




<!-- Definition of inputDataSeries element -->

<xs:element name="inputDataSeries">


<xs:documentation>inputDataSeries contains metadata and concrete data of a certain data entity</xs:documentation>




<!-- metadata elements to describe the inputDataSeries -->

<xs:element ref="metadata" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

<!-- dataValues of the inputDataSeries -->

<xs:element ref="dataValue" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>


<xs:attribute name="seriesId" type="xs:string"></xs:attribute>



<!-- Definition of metadata element -->

<xs:element name="metadata">


<xs:documentation>metadata is used to store key-value pairs that describe service parameters and data series</xs:documentation>



<!-- Definition of dataValue element -->

<xs:element name="dataValue">


<xs:documentation>A set of data value elements is used to store data values with their corresponding timestamps</xs:documentation>




<xs:extension base="xs:string">

<xs:attribute name="timestamp" type="xs:long"








<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" element-FormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">

<!-- Definition of analyticServiceResponse element, the base element of the schema -->

<xs:element name="analyticServiceResponse">


<xs:documentation>analyticServiceResponse contains the data and parameters received from analytic service execution</xs:documentation>


<!-- Definition of serviceResults element -->

<xs:element name="serviceResults">


<xs:documentation>serviceResults element contains all the parame-ters to be received from the analytic service</xs:documentation>




<!-- metadata elements to describe the serviceResults -->

<xs:element ref="metadata" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>




<!-- Definition of outputDataSeries element -->

<xs:element name="outputDataSeries">


<xs:documentation>outputDataSeries contains metadata and concrete data of a certain data entity</xs:documentation>




<!-- metadata elements to describe the inputDataSeries -->

<xs:element ref="metadata" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

<!-- dataValues of the inputDataSeries -->

<xs:element ref="dataValue" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>


<xs:attribute name="seriesId" type="xs:string"></xs:attribute>



<!-- Definition of metadata element -->

<xs:element name="metadata">


<xs:documentation>metadata is used to store key-value pairs that describe service results and data series</xs:documentation>


<!-- Definition of dataValue element -->

<xs:element name="dataValue">


<xs:documentation>A set of data value elements is used to store data values with their corresponding timestamps</xs:documentation>




<xs:extension base="xs:string">

<xs:attribute name="timestamp" type="xs:long"










<wsdl:binding name="AnalyticServiceCorrelationSoap11"


<soap:binding transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"


<wsdl:operation name="correlate">

<soap:operation soapAction=""/>

<wsdl:input name="analyticServiceRequest">

<soap:body use="literal"/>


<wsdl:output name="analyticServiceResponse">

<soap:body use="literal"/>




<wsdl:service name="AnalyticServiceCorrelationService">

<wsdl:port name="AnalyticServiceCorrelationSoap11" bind-ing="tns:AnalyticServiceCorrelationSoap11">


loca-tion="http://localhost:8080/CorrelationService/services/AnalyticServiceCorrela tionSoap11"/>





Web Services Requirements Comments

Data Check Any set KPI or Raw data. Timestamp interval should be consistent throughout the KPI or Raw data.

Data correlation Two sets of energy related KPI data series to be corre-lated

Number of data values in each set should be equal.

Data Normalization Set of any KPI or raw data to be normalized

Optionally, normalization range can be provided.

Radar Chart Energy related KPIs to be plotted and compared

Each KPI must have equal number of data values to be plotted.

Sankey Diagram No KPI data. Only the en-ergy input and losses data for each asset/process

KPI data is not required.

Input and outputs are ex-pressed in energy/power values.

Pareto Chart Any Energy related KPI and the consumer as-sets/processes

Assets/processes should be the consumer of the KPI to be plotted on Pareto Chart.

Control Chart Any KPI data or energy consumption raw data of the process

Number of values in each measurement should be the same.