• Ei tuloksia


4.3 Performance and Results

This chapter discusses Performance and Results from practicing, both academically (when stated) and in other areas of life.

3a. Have you noticed any changes in your academic performance? If so, please specify

For some of the participants, Mindfulness have been a “game changer” related to their academic performance.

The 1st interviewee said that:” During difficult times, Mindfulness was a way to not break down and to be able to pass courses and actually manage to show up for school.”

The 2nd interviewee stated that:” Mindfulness meditation helped for public speaking and school presentations that used to bring high levels of stress. The meditation was practiced in the morning before a presentation.”

The 9th interviewee stated that:” I have more harmony when interacting with other people when having a mindfulness practice such as yoga or meditation. The introversion is decreasing and have decreased and in additional worrying. Feel much less restless when attending lectures and more in the moment and less distracted.”

The quoted statements above demonstrate major benefits for each interviewee, but in different ways – from attending school to handling a stressful situation.

The academic performance related answers showcase that there is some diversification in the notice of changes. It has been beneficial for every participant, but in a variety of areas. Some stated that there was an increase in focus, energy, and motivation while others managed to attend school, meet assignment deadlines, produce better work, be less self-critical, and find unique individual importance in courses. The outcome of the answers asserts that both general well-being, stress management and overall academic achievements were expanded.

3b. How has your ability to handling stress changed since you started practicing Mindfulness?

Four interviewees were not able to specify how their ability to handle stress has changed, but they all said that it helped maintain the levels of stress.

Worth noting is that two participants interpreted that they were able to distance themselves from the stress and the stressful situation, which is a core purpose of mindfulness, to be less reactive to overwhelming moments and situations.

The other participants stated that their stress management have improved and that they feel ordinarily calmer in commonly stressful situations, such as public presentations and during exam weeks.

The result from the answer is to some extent vague, with only 5 participants being able to answer how their ability to handle stress has changed. The outcome of the question is that stress management improved for every participant but in what way remains ambiguous.

3c. Have Mindfulness benefited any other areas of your life? If so, please specify

Question 3c. examines if Mindfulness practices have had any enhancements in other areas of the participant’s life. All interviewees cited several benefits.

A distinct observation was the participants experience an improvement with human relations.

The 1st interviewee said that: “Human relations and dealing with conflict.

Managing to stay calm during situations of conflict while taking care of it without angering myself”.

The 3rd interviewee explained that: “I’m more relaxed in daily situations, and handling conflicts can be done more calmly… Improvement in human relationships can also be seen to some extent”.

The just stated quotations by the 1st and 3rd participant elaborates on the topic of human relations with conflict. Since conflict was not asked about separately, there may be a possibility that the other participants increased their ability to positively solve conflicts but mentioned it generally as improved “Human relations”.

The 5th interviewee described her benefits in the following way: “Mostly emotionally by going deeper into myself to explore more. Taking ownership and responsibility for my feeling and emotions and not blaming them on others. A difficult relationship with dad that was about to get non-existent and later on changed to a healthy relationship. Generally better relationships with others since blaming others is excluded. I am less reactive to emotions and more proactive”.

Four other participants’ social and relationship improvements can be summarized as following:

• Improved social relationships and being in rooms with lots of people. The participant had to be drunk before handling such situations.

• Can feel people and situations in a different way with all senses combined.

• Hugely benefits the relationship with other people, handle social situations better, kinder to myself and I look after myself better physically. There is a more holistic approach to one’s life and health.

Other findings worth mentioning:

• Higher self-confidence

• More general calmness

• Not as nervous for challenging tasks

• Helps to forget and not think about work after work

• Became a better listener

Although every Mindfulness practitioner have seen benefits in various areas of their life, and in different ways, the results indicate that there is a prominent area where most participants have benefited remarkably. Six out of nine participants stated that they have seen direct improvements in their social life, relationships and relations with other human beings, and two out of them further with handling conflict.

The indirect results for the same category such as higher self-confidence, becoming a better listener, and general calmness could eventually benefit the social and relationship aspect as well.