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Open Research Issues

5.2 Open Research Issues

The main results of this Thesis came from representation of well-known algorithms in terms of streaming processes, which allow memory traffic savings compared to the GPU idiom of performing tasks in multiple passes that read and write large intermediate data buffers. It is interesting whether stream representation could stretch further to compute, e.g., more sophisticated sorting-based build algorithms such as ATRBVH [DP15], spatial split insertion, or hierarchy collapsing into an MBVH. Moreover, the fixed-function realizations of streaming algorithms are inflexible. It is interesting whether the algorithms could be set up to run on a programmable processor – even an exotic one such as a dataflow machine – and still reach a reasonable performance.

From a higher-level point of view, despite the volume of work on the subject, so far the evidence is not very strong that the overall idea of ray tracing as an energy optimization is feasible – i.e., that it can give improved visual effects in a given energy budget compared to rasterization-based methods, or in the mobile case, that it can render workloads approximating practical real-time applications within a mobile power and bandwidth budget. One difficulty in rigorous comparison is that conventional GPUs are the products of cumulative decades of work by large industrial design teams, and it would be difficult to match this level of workmanship in an academic prototype GPU. Moreover, real-time graphics techniques for conventional GPUs are well understood, while the designers of nontrivial example applications of real-time ray tracing would be starting partly from scratch. The level of confidence in the area could be increased by introducing more energy analysis of hardware designs and adding comparisons to the available power budget, especially for mobile designs. This Thesis made some efforts in this direction by, e.g., performing energy analysis and comparing results to a mobile power envelope in [P2].

A promising avenue for future work is to accelerate computations beside simple rendering with ray tracing hardware. For example, photorealistic AR, where virtual objects blend in seamlessly with the real environment, requires estimates of the geometry, lighting and materials in the scene. Several state-of-the-art methods for producing these esti-mates [RTKPS16,KPR15] make heavy use of ray traversal, and are computationally expensive. Consequently, hardware ray tracers could be used to improve the performance of AR, which has a wide variety of potential applications [vKP10]. The tree constructors proposed in this Thesis [P1,P2,P3], in turn, would be interesting to apply to point set processing and collision detection. It is straightforward to modify an LBVH builder to output k-d trees of points [Kar12], which are widely used in point set processing. Collision detection, meanwhile, tends to directly use BVHs. Hardware units have been proposed for both tasks [RHAZ06, HGBG08], identifying hardware-accelerated tree construction as future work.


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[BHH13] Bittner J., Hapala M., Havran V.: Fast insertion-based optimization of bounding volume hierarchies. Computer Graphics Forum 32, 1 (2013), 85 – 100.


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