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The foundation for the typology of WPs in service design is based on the current debates in the field. The debates originated from general systems theory (e.g., Bertalanffy 1951; Bertalanffy 1968) and have subsequently arisen from industrial technology and management (Simon 1960), urban planning (Rittel and Webber 1973) and systems design and engineering (e.g., Checkland 1981).

The interdisciplinary field of design has adopted this “problems” terminology as a basis for easily understood design discussions. The pre-discipline of service design, however, has only recently emerged; social design and sustainable design are areas where the problem-solving orientation of design is challenged by the complex and wicked nature of social issues and practices.

Table 3 shows the WP theorists and is adapted from Culmsee and Awati (2013), with additional information. I added the last column of landmark

articles, showing the number of citations on the main search engines (Google Scholar and Scopus). Rittel and Webber’s (1973) article mentioning the term

“wicked problem” has more citations than the others collected in the table. This is one reason why I chose to work with WPs as they also have a social side (Horn and Weber 2007; Rittel and Weber 1973). In addition, Culmsee and Awati (2013) agreed that “wicked” is the most popular term. Still, there are

nomenclatures and fields that come near to this, for example, sociotechnical systems, soft systems or messes. The number of citations was also added from Scopus in case the same article or book was found there. Unfortunately, many of the books were not found through this engine.

Table 3. Different complexity theories adapted from Culmsee and Awati (2013)

Author(s) Low level of complexity

High level of complexity

Cited landmark article/Google citations (G) September 2018/

Scopus (S) April 2020/

Rittel, Horst and Melvin Webber.

1973. “Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning.” Policy Sciences 4 (2), 155–69. (G) 12,651/(S) 6,386

Peter Checkland

Hard systems Soft systems Checkland, Peter B. 1981. Systems Thinking, Systems Practice.

Chichester: John Wiley & Sons. (G) 11,344/(S) n/a

Simon, Herbert A. 1960. The New Science of Management Decision.

New York: Harper.

Heifetz, Ronald A. 1994.

Leadership without Easy Answers.

Vol. 465. Boston: Harvard University Press. (G) 4,608/(S) n/a

Russell L.




Mess Ackoff, Russell L. 1974.

Redesigning the Future. New York:

Wiley. (G) 2,485/(S) n/a Jerome Ravetz Technical


Practical problem

Ravetz, Jerome R. 1973. Scientific Knowledge and Its Social

Problems. London: Transaction Publishers. (G) 2,018/(S) n/a Ludwig von

Bertalanffy, Ludwig von. 1951.

“General System Theory: A New Approach to Unity of Science. 1.

Problems of General System Theory.” Human Biology 23 (4):

302–12. (G) 870/(S) 8

Barry Johnson Problems to solve

Polarities to manage

Johnson, Barry. 1992. Polarity Management: Identifying and Managing Unsolvable Problems.

Human Resource Development.

Amherst: HRD Press.

(G) 462/(S) n/a Donald Schön The high


The swamp Schön, D. A. 1984. The Architectural Studio as an Exemplar of Education for Reflection-in-Action. Journal of Architectural Education 38 (1): 2–

9. (G) 217/(S) 99

In Table 3, there are authors from various fields (e.g., science of design, city planning, biology, politics and management) who have been trying to envision more complex problems. After looking at Table 3, we can question whether scientists from different fields are trying to explain the same

phenomena. A term raised in Checkland’s (1981) research is on “soft systems”

although his theory relies on the WP concept.

An additional point that Table 3 illustrates is the narrow categorisation of problems as either simple or wicked. This begs the question of what the problems are between these two extremes. Like Roberts (2000), I would prefer

to put problems into roughly three categories: tame (i.e., simple), complex and wicked. Of course, there are other methodologies, but these three categories can aid designers in searching for the best methods and tools when designing for a certain type of problem.

2.3 Mess Map™: A Tool for Service Design

Simon (1969) pointed out how design is used to shape the current situation into a desirable one, and Vizard (2016) illustrated how maps play a role in this. Maps show how to go from one place to another. In this way, they play a role in creating a strategy for reaching a desired state. Designers are known for using visualisation processes and even strategies (Degnegaard 2019; Stickdorn and Schneider 2011). Vizard believes that mapping processes come in handy in Buchanan’s (1992) third order, which handles services. I believe that they come in handy in both the third and fourth orders.

A Mess Map™ is like a giant map of a central WP and has many subareas in it (Horn and Weber 2007). There is a shared WP that designers try to understand holistically (Horn and Weber 2007). In the map, there are several interconnected problems that are related to this “main WP.” Some can be seen as several WPs intertwined together. The Mess Map™ is like a blood test to find what the problem is currently, and it is necessary to bear in mind that it is not a stable view, but one that is constantly evolving (Rittel and Webber 1973). As the citation below shows the, Mess Map™ essentially tries to bring stakeholders together to start creating a shared view of the WP in the initial phase of a project.

I've emphasized that Mess Mapping is a way for task forces understand their issues. It is an initial stage process. It enables groups to get started, to form common mental models is the issues, to learn about each other, and to quickly achieve clarity about the interrelated set of problems they face. (Horn 2018, 42)

In his book, Horn (2018), the inventor of the tool, explained in more detail the processes of Mess Mapping™. In the map, there are chunks or boxes that present a problem field, and there can be links that show the interconnections