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4.2 Source 2 data – Semi-structured interview -Analysis of

4.2.5 Summary of the findings from the moderate CQ data . 135 Observation about host country people

The interviewees were also described the characteristics of the host country people from their own observation. Nearly eight out of twelve interviewees, pointed out several viewpoints that came from the thoughts of the interviewee’s observation about the host country people.

Being creative

In the earlier days the host country people were expected to just follow the instructions that are given to them. Whereas in the recent years, the scenes are changing. However, if the host country people’s creativity can be brought out, if only they are instructed to do so. Even to be creative, the host country people have to get the instructions from the superiors, unlike the home country, where people are independent in being creativity without instruction from their superiors. Furthermore, the following was said by the interviewee who pointed out about being creative;

And if I want an Indian be creative, I must explicitly tell him that now you can use your own brain and you can suggest me a better way because this what I give, this is now a draft. […] I have noticed that now they have analyzed also

how Europeans and how Finns are thinking. So they are also developing themselves to be more creative control, creative control. I can see the big

difference now in this country. (Inter-03) Creating good impression

The host country people can brag about themselves to show they are greater or bigger than what they are in real sense who said accordingly:

Indians give a very good impression about themselves even too good impression so that when we see their CVs or when we see their behavior, believe that they

are something even if they might be something but many. (Inter-03) The host country people’s attitude to create good impressions about themselves also comes from the need to do so due to the competitive environment of the host country. In the home country the population is lesser when compared with the home country. One has to show an impressive CV, to attract the employers in order to get the job. Failure to create a good impression about themselves may result in losing the opportunities. In a big country like host country, there is a pressure to differentiate oneself from the rest of the people, in order to be secured. This may not be the same in the host country.

The home country employees are relaxed

The home country employees are more relaxed compared with the host country employees according to an interviewee. In the host country there is a huge pressure for the employees to show their performance in order to prove they are competitive. Furthermore, the following was said by the interviewee as below;

In India, the employees, they have quite high pressure. They need to perform.

They need to show their existence. They need to do good work. They need to --very few mistakes and long working hours to be seen, to be noted. Here in

Finland and Europe, it'snot like that. (Inter-08)

The host country environment has large number of people who are ready to take up the job if one leaves. The human resources are abundant, this therefore creates a highly competitive environment, putting pressure on people to show their existence in the organization. In the home country the competition is very much less as the population is lower and also the reason for less pressure for the employees to prove their existence.

Best negotiators

The host country people are perceived as good in the negotiation by an interviewee, who explained that negotiation tactics are frustrating even at times.

The negotiation skills of the host country people was explained by an interviewee as below;

I used to tell that in India --the best negotiators in the whole world. If they want to have a business man or someone, you should take some from India, because very skilled to read people and discuss the price. And then typically --that is in the hope --that you --whatever you go into the discussion you will lose

that discussion. (Inter-09)

In the host country environment negotiation is something that starts with a person from a young age. The host country people are used to negotiate things from the street vendors and even from shops. The negotiation attitude grown over the years with the people as it is an everyday activity where people do it spontaneously in their day to day life.

Positive side of the host country people

One of the interviewee explained the positive side of the host country people as below;

I would say that in India people work quite humbly. They work long days if needed. At least they don't complaint to me about the small things, but then I

again I don't know if it's a good or bad because sometimes you need to compliant because it can be a constructive also. (Inter-12)

The labor regulations in the host country are not that strongly implemented as in the home country. Therefore, people work longer hours in the host country work environment.

Host people have to prove themselves

The host environment is highly competitive with a lot of people applying for the jobs and so on. In order to distinguish oneself, one has to be assertive by showing their educational background, and other credentials. In this background the following interviewee shared her thoughts on how the host people try to prove themselves.

Indians always boast about themselves and they add all kind of icings to their CVs […]. But I understand in India people need to prove themselves, so people tend to inflate alltheir CVs and they want to appear very professional by being

very, very vocal. (Inter-14)

In the home country environment people have to create a good CV, as it should reflect all their credits to show they are significant. Due to this reason people tend to emphasize their background like the schools they studied, the family they belong, or the network they know. In the home country one does not have to prove like the way how it is done in the host country.

Host country people are entrepreneurial

The host country people are entrepreneurial according to an interviewee who said as follows;

I always say there is no social security or no in India. So people --People have to --the kind of entrepreneurship. People have a very strong business sense and

businessacumen, and they want to do things. (Inter-14)

The host country people have to be proactive in the host environment, as they are expected to show strong acumen in order to be successful in their business activities. The host country does not have the same social security or state support; therefore,people have to be highly entrepreneurial.

Indians don’t like arrogant behavior

The similarity between the host and home country was pointed out by an interviewee who did research on the host country people asbelow;

I have the feeling that the Indians --basically the same in Finland --don’t like any kind of arrogant behavior. (Inter-15)

Even though there are wide differences between the host and home countries in terms of culture, people etc. still there are certain attributes that can be found common between both the countries. The above interviewee explained that both host and home people are not comfortable with arrogant behaviors instead they exhibit and expect politeness in communication.

Long term in India

The host country people are long-term oriented according to an interviewee who said as below:

Indians are very clever. They are very --they're brilliant. They are very much mathematical, they know what they want and they look at things in the long

run. (Inter-19)

The host country people are calculative; in a sense they look at things in terms of long-term rather than looking short-term. The long-term vision of the host country people is also influenced by religion and society.