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Models of search

1.1 Simple price search

1.1.2 Models of search

There are numerous search models. The way the frictions and heterogeneity are introduced usually matters. Some research questions could be more naturally addressed by a specific approach, yet, some particularities of the results can usually be traced back to the approach directly. For instance, in models which build on the consumers’ holdup problem such as in Stahl (1989), the sellers use such pricing policies that the buyers typically search just once3 whilst, in models with horizontally differentiated products such as in Wolinsky (1986), the buyers search until they find a match value above a cutoff. Competitive search models tend to generate outcomes that are constrained efficient as the so called Hosios (1990) condition is satisfied.4 This list could go on.

Search models are applied in a number of fields. Sequential search models (optimal stopping problems, see, e.g. Weitzman (1979) for the Pandora box model and Robbins (1952) for the multi-armed bandit model) and non-sequential search models (fixed sample search, see, e.g., Stigler (1961)), and so called clearinghouse models (see, e.g., Baye and Morgan (2001)) are prevalent in micro and industrial economics.5 Random search and matching problems `a la Diamond (1982); Mortensen and Pissarides (1994) and directed (finite economy) or competitive (infinite economy) search models `ala Moen (1997); Peters

3But see, e.g., Ellison and Wolitzky (2012)

4But see, e.g., Galenianos and Kircher (2009).

5See the excellent article by Baye et al. (2006) for a more detailed list of references.

(2000); Burdett et al. (2001) are encountered, particularly, in macro and labor economics.6 Hence, while it is clear that frictions are essential in markets for various assets and durables – labor, houses, mates, consumer goods etc. –, the field is still in constant progress and there is no overarching, commonly accepted, unified approach as for how exactly the frictions should appear in a model.7 This work is no exception. Different research questions call for different approaches. In Chapter 2, we build on a model with random search and, in Chapters 3 and 4, we introduce a simple search model that features in-store frictions. To put them into a perspective, we next review some frequently used search models and extensions.

While ultimately our interest resides on dynamic price and search models with an endogenous price distribution and an endogenous search cost, the development of search models started with an exogenous price distribution and an exogenous search cost. Hith-erto we have touched upon models with an endogenous price distribution and models with an exogenous search cost. To cover the two other cases as well, we next take a look at some distinctive contributions to search theory: search with an exogenous price distribution in the classic Pandora box model and search with an endogenous search cost in the recent so called obfuscation literature.

Search from exogenous price distribution: the Pandora box model Generally speaking, search from an exogenous payoff distribution refers to an optimal stopping problem where the distribution of prices is fixed. Consumers have to find the optimal way to sample from this distribution with free recall. They decide when to stop theexploration of various alternative options or, in other words, when to concentrate on the consumption –exploitation – of the best option they have so far discovered.

There are two especially noteworthy classes of such models: the Pandora box problem with immediate discovery of the prize (in each ”box”) and the multi-armed bandit problem with gradual learning about the payoffs (of each ”arm”). These problems got their first thorough treatise by Weitzman (1979) and by Robbins (1952), respectively. We next go through the basics behind the Pandora box model. For multi-armed bandit models, which could be regarded as an extension, we recommend the concise review by Bergemann and V¨alim¨aki (2006).

Various sequential problems of search can be cast into a setup where there is a number of opportunities or ”boxes”, each of them with an individual search (opening) cost, search (opening) time and expected reward inside. It is possible to open them only one-by-one and to take home one of the rewards only.

6See the excellent review by Rogerson et al. (2005) for a more detailed list of references.

7Note that, generally, search theory can be regarded as an attempt to develop further the Coasian argument for the significance of transactions costs for the institutional structure and the functioning of the economy. Without these costs and under clearly specified property rights, unlimited bargaining should result in a social optimum (Coase, 1937, 1960).

If the search cost and the search time for box i are ci and ti, respectively, and the distribution of rewardsxi∼Fi, each box can be assigned an indexzisuch that


zi zi


dFi(x) +



the decision-maker is exactly indifferent between opening the box and receiving a certain reward of sizezi, which could hence be taken as the value of the unopened box.

Thereafter, the solution to the problem has a simple form:

Choice across the closed boxes: The closed boxes can be ordered by their index valueszi. The best box is then the one with the highest index value.

Choice across the opened boxes: The opened boxes can be ordered by the realized rewardsxi. The best box is then the one with the highest reward.

Choice across the best closed box and the best opened box: the boxes can be ordered by comparing the highest index valuezi, for closed boxes, and the highest reward xi, for opened boxes.

This determines for the decision-maker what to open (the best closed box) and when to stop (when the best opened box is better than the best closed box). For the simplest problems with identical boxesci=c,ti=t,Fi=F for alli, the optimal solution has a threshold structure: stop ifx≥zand continue ifx < z.

The result has been in extensive use since its discovery and reappears also here.

Search with endogenous cost: obfuscation and search costs inside a store In sequential search setups in the spirit of Weitzman (1979), it is important to specify where exactly the search cost lies - or, what the Pandora boxes stand for. Generally, there could be a friction to transfer from home to a store, from the store to the next one, and back home again (a box stands for a store) and frictions to navigate in a given store (a box stands for an item in a store). Both might have significant effects on search and prices. As a matter of history, price and search theory has, nevertheless, traditionally concentrated on the former case and only recently started to analyze the latter one.

In addition, while the literature has typically regarded the former kinds of costs mostly as exogenous as in Stahl (1989), the latter has been treated as endogenous from the very beginning. For instance, the seminal article by Ellison and Wolitzky (2012), that marks the birth of the so called obfuscation literature to be discussed right below, decomposes search frictions into two parts: in their model there is an exogenous time cost to travel to a store and an endogenous time cost to find the price in the store. In general, there could exist of course more than just these two possibilities (see Figure 1.1).

Search costs Exogenous Endogenous Within stores Chapter 2 Ellison and Wolitzky (2012)

Chapter 2 & Chapter 3

Across stores Stahl (1989) Hotelling (1929)

Ellison and Wolitzky (2012) Xefteris (2013) Table 1.1: Examples of how search costs enter into a model

Before obfuscation literature gained popularity, the usual way to model sequential price search in a homogenous goods market was founded on Stahl (1989). In that seminal paper there is some fixed cost to reach a store, and this is then also the cost of discovering the price in the store. In other words, it is implicitly or explicitly assumed that once the buyer is in the store it is easy to find the price quote: it is either though to be immediate and costless or the idea is that the cost may be regarded as negligible in comparison to the much larger travel cost.

It is understandable that this might have seemed to be in accordance with experience regarding consumers’ usual shopping patterns in the past when search involved physically walking or driving to a store. However, today when online search is frequent, the situation is typically the opposite: the click paths from a search engine to a store may not be very long but it might take quite much clicking, scrolling and eying through the listings to gather, say, all the information necessary to calculate the total price. Indeed, the magnitude of frictionswithin the stores relative to thoseacross the stores appears to be so much larger online than offline that in applications to the Internet it might no longer be warranted to ignore all the in-store costs.

These ideas are related to the expanding body of work analyzing endogenous frictions and, in particular, an individual seller’s incentive to increase the cost of search for the buyers. After the widely quoted papers by Ellison and Ellison (2009) and Ellison and Wolitzky (2012) were published this literature got associated with the term obfuscation, referring generally to the multitude of possible ways in which the sellers can make shopping time consuming, relevant price information hard to come by, or the properties of different products difficult to compare.

In an econometric contribution, Ellison and Ellison (2009) provide convincing evidence of obfuscation among a group of Internet retailers selling memory modules, differentiated by the quality of the product and contract terms, in an environment where a price search engine is the predominant channel of demand. As the price elasticities in this market are quite large, about -20, the stores have obviously strong incentives to come up with methods to curb down the price competition. The authors document various practices, at least, seemingly designed to make comparing prices more difficult, ranging from making the product descriptions complicated or creating multiple versions of a product to using a cheap low quality product to draw the consumers out of the search engine context to offer

them a more expensive, higher quality upgrade in the firm’s own store. Based on their estimates, these kinds of obfuscation strategies are apparently quite successful indeed.

Despite the very high elasticities, the markups are still about 12%.

In a complementing theory paper, Ellison and Wolitzky (2012) develop several models where firms have an incentive to hinder consumer search be elevating the costs of acquiring an additional price quote from another store. One model is based on the convexity of search cost in search time – say, a higher marginal return to leisure – whereby, if the start store can delay the search long enough, it can make the second search too costly. In their other model, consumers have imperfect knowledge of the cost of getting a price quote and, as they have to base their expectations to their past experiences, they become less willing to search if the cost is high in the first store because they then presume that it is high everywhere. In addition to these two widely known papers, there is by now a large number of other papers analyzing similar research problems of which very good examples would be, say, the papers by Ireland (2007), Wilson (2010), and Petrikaite (2012). We discuss this more in Chapters 3 and 4, that deal with in-store frictions.

A noteworthy comparison to obfuscation literature is advertizing literature (see Bag-well (2007) for a review) where, instead of making it costly for buyers to find additional information, sellers try to reduce these search costs. In practice, it appears safe to assume that firms use a mixture of retailing tricks: some aimed at herding in new consumers (”advertizing”), others to holding up old consumers (”obfuscation”).