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3. Materials and methods

3.2 Methods

3.2.1 Clinical assessment of patients

All the patients were evaluated before and after ECT treatment. Patients’ psychiatric and medical histories were assessed, medical examination was carried out focusing particularly on neurological, cardiovascular and pulmonary systems. MADRS was used to assess the severity of depression (before ECT, MADRS0, after ECT, MADRS1) and the clinical change (MADRS0-MADRS1). Five experienced psychiatrists assessed the MADRS. All personnel were blind to the genetic data.

Age at first onset of MDD was defined using information from the medical records and the patient’s interview. Cognition was assessed in 78 patients using the Mini-Mental State Examination Scale (MMSE) (Folstein et al. 1975).

3.2.2 Procedure in electroconvulsive therapy

All the patients were treated at the ECT treatment unit in the Psychiatric Clinic of Tampere University Hospital. The ECT team included a psychiatrist, an anesthesiologist, a treatment nurse and a recovery area nurse.

ECT was administered three times a week with a brief pulse constant current device (Thymatron DGx, Somatics, Inc., Lake Bluff, IL, USA). The initial stimulus dosage was adjusted with the age method for 30 patients (Swartz and Abrams 1996).

The seizure threshold was determined for 89 patients by administering successive stimuli of increasing intensity until generalized seizure was induced. Anesthesia was induced with methohexital and muscle relaxation with succinylcholine. The initial dose was 1 mg/kg of methohexital and 0.5 mg/kg of succinylcholine. The patients were ventilated with 100 % oxygen until resumption of spontaneous respiration.

Physiological monitoring included pulse oximetry, blood pressure, ECG, one channel EEG and EMG.

The criterion for adequate generalized seizure duration was at least 20 seconds of motor response and 25 seconds of EEG seizure activity. If needed, at subsequent treatments during the course of ECT, the dosage was increased to maintain adequate seizure duration. All the patients were treated with standard bilateral (bifrontotemporal) ECT, the number of treatments ranged between seven and 15, 9.4±1.79 (mean±SD). The total number of treatments administered was determined by clinical judgment. ECT was continued until patients were symptom-free or had received at least eight treatments without any further improvement being noted during the past two treatments.

3.2.3 Genotyping of the polymorphisms

Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood leukocytes using QIAamp®DNA Blood Minikit and automated biorobot M48 according to manufacturer’s instructions (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). DNA samples were genotyped using the 5’ nuclease polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays with TaqMan MGB probes (Livak 1999). The 5’ ends of the allele-specific probes are fluorescently labeled with either FAM or VIC reporter dyes (corresponding to the two alleles). At the 3’ end, there is a nonfluorescent quencher and a MGB molecule which binds to the minor groove of the DNA helix and thus improves hybridization-based assays by stabilizing the MGB-probe/template complex. For the genotyping of DRD2 C957T (rs6277), TPH1 A779C (rs 1799913), and GNB3 C825T (rs6489738) pre-designed assays (C_11339240_10, C_2645661_10, C_2184734_10) were available from Applied Biosystems. If no pre-designed assay was available the nucleotide sequences of primers and probes used in the PCR were deduced from published sequences deposited in the GenBank and Celera databases and custom assays were designed by Applied Biosystems’ design service (Foster City, CA, USA). Custom assays were used in the genotyping of TPH1 A218C (rs1800532), COMT Val158Met (rs4680), BDNF C270T (rs56164415), BDNF G196A (rs6265), 5-HT1A C1019G (rs6295), RGS4 (rs951436).

PCR reaction containing genomic DNA, 1xUniversal PCR Master Mix, 900 nM of each primer and 200 nM of each probe was performed in 96-well plates using the TaqMan Universal Thermal Cycling Protocol in a total volume of 25µl. After PCR,

71 end-point fluorescence intensity was measured by the ABI Prism 7900HT Sequence Detection System (Applied Biosystems) and allelic discrimination performed resulting in clear identification of different genotypes for polymorphisms. The performance of the assays was monitored by analyzing random duplicate samples and by including negative controls (no DNA template in the reaction) in the analysis. Genotyping was always performed without knowledge of the clinical data.

3.2.4 Statistical methods Association between treatment resistant Major Depressive Disorder and studied polymorphisms

Pearson’s chi-square ( 2) test was used to compare genotypes and allele frequencies between the different study groups (II, III, IV, VI). OR was calculated with 95%

confidence interval (CI) (II, III). Multiple logistic regression was used to calculate gene-gene interaction in relation to the studied trait (II, III). Association with response to electroconvulsive therapy

For statistical analyses the remission after ECT was defined in different ways.

1. MADRS endpoint score less than 8 was considered as remission and more than 15 points as non-response. By this criterion, patients with MADRS score between 8 and 15 were excluded from the efficacy analyses due to partial response (I-VI).

2. By using one cutpoint, MADRS score less than 8 = remission, MADRS score 8 or more = partial or non-response (I in subgroups, IV).

3. In post hoc analysis using MADRS score 10 as one cutpoint respectively (III).

The age of 45 years was used as a cut-off between early and late onset depression, as in some earlier studies (Fisman et al. 2001, Krishnan et al. 1996, Zubenko et al. 1996) (I).

Analysis of variance was used to compare the means of MADRS0 and MADRS1 scores in remitter and non-responder groups likewise in subgroups of psychotic and late-onset depression (I, V, VI). The OR was calculated with 95% CI using binary logistic regression analysis (III, V, VI). For analyzing the association between MADRS1 score and genotype, general linear model was used with MADRS1 score as a dependent variable (IV). In this analysis, patient’s age, gender, age at onset, psychotic or non-psychotic depression, first episode or recurrent depression, the number of ECT treatments and MADRS baseline score were used as covariates (IV). The analysis of covariance with genotype as a fixed factor and age, gender,

age at onset, psychotic/non-psychotic depression, first episode/recurrent depression, the number of ECT and MADRS baseline score as covariates was used to analyze the association with genotype and the endpoint MADRS score (IV).

T-test (VI) and analysis of variance (V, VI) were used to analyze differences between genotypes in MADRS0 and in MADRS1 respectively.

The limit of statistical significance was set at 0.05. Data analysis was carried out using SPSS/Win software (Version 14.0, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).