• Ei tuloksia

This study cannot present conclusively one organisational model that would fit any RPA organisation at all RPA maturity stages. What should matter is that the initial deployment to federated, decentralised, or centralised environment is done by respecting the size, structure, and prevailing culture of the organisation.

The implication of this study is that center of excellence is crucial at the latest when RPA scales to cross-organisational. Center of excellences role as the coordinator between IT department and business units is seen as an important role. This does not only bring direct cost savings due to better management of RPA software platform license costs, but also the foresight for IT infrastructure when one central location has visibility to the cross-organisational project pipeline. Federated model was seen beneficial as the RPA operational resources could be build more locally where they are needed and distributed to people who are familiar with the functions processes. This can also foster excitement when the business function natives are training and are directly involved on the automation projects. In the federated model local automation discovery and support inside functions in long-term can keep healthier project pipeline compared to centralised model. Federated model still needs strong synchronisation and acquiring the right people to manage and operate the center of excellence.

Messaging behind RPA should be consistent and visible widely from the start. This is needed to alleviate fears and misconceptions many people will have when they hear about RPA for the first time. RPA solution providers and literature all have similar phrases for the early messaging, but it is important to ensure this is done from the start and not after RPA has been launched. After deployment, or at the latest when scale up happens, there should be either RPA lead or center of excellence that controls the training and messaging across the company. Leaving this to functional hubs only can

create governance problems in a cross-organisational unified RPA platform situation, as well as knowledge gap and inconsistent messaging.

Internal RPA capability building should focus on training for employees to be able to build as-is process mapping and solution design. As-is process mapping training internally for subject matter experts is relatively easy to do on short training when needed. RPA architect, who would be responsible on solution design needs much more involved training process, and potentially expensive. This is still seen beneficial to ensure consistent quality, keeping projects under schedule, and better hold on governance.

Internal RPA developers positioned in functional hubs or center of excellence are a great asset to ensure flexibility and knowledge inside hubs. Still, in this study automation design phase and the involved roles were seen crucially important to keep internal for the success of the whole project and for the long-term viability of RPA inside the organisation.


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