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APPENDIX 1. Invitation e-mail Dear Sir/ Madam,

I am a master degree student at University of Vaasa. Currently I am writing my master's thesis about designing for the customer experience. As a case company for my thesis I have chosen the Company X. The purpose of my research is to explore how customer experience can be enhanced using both company’s and customers’ inputs. Therefore, I would kindly appreciate if you agree to take part in this research and answer a few questions, where you can share your opinion about current service performance of the company in question as well as get some tips for future improvement and development.

This information will be highly valuable for the research and can be used for enhancing customer experience at Company X. Confidentiality of your identity is guaranteed.

Kind regards,

Alexandra Spivakova Master’s student of

University of Vaasa, Finland

APPENDIX 2. Interview guide for the case company’s employees Specify your position_____________

1. How do you evaluate current range of services?

2. What services are the most popular? Least popular?

3. What time of the year is considered as a “high season” and a “low season” at Сompany X?

4. How do you evaluate the quality of services?

5. According to you, does the quality of services delivered correspond the price?

6. How do you interact with customers?

7. How the reservation system is organized? Do you find it effective?

8. How do you treat with customers? Do they have special requirements?

9. Thinking of the past 6 months, how often have the customers complained?

What was the point?

10. According to you, what customers find the most attractive at Company X?

11. How do you inform customers about new services/ package?

12. Do the customers return?

13. Have you noticed what emotions customers usually experience during their journey?

14. How can you describe the overall atmosphere created at Company X in three words?

15. According to you, what should be improved and how?

16. What new offerings would you like to introduce? Why?

17. How can you contribute to the new service development?

Thank you for your participation!

APPENDIX 3. Interview guide for the host managers Specify your position_____________

1. How do you evaluate current range of services provided by Company X?

Do they answer your expectations?

2. How do you evaluate the quality of services?

3. According to you, does the quality of services provided correspond the price?

4. How do you interact with Company X?

5. Do you usually provide feedback?

6. How do you evaluate the work of personnel at Company X? Do they treat well with their customers?

7. What do you find the most attractive at Company X?

8. Have you ever feel disappointed? If yes, what was the point?

9. How do you get information about new services/ package?

10. Thinking of the past 6 months, how often do you go to Company X? Would you like to return?

11. What emotions have you experienced during your journey at Company X?

12. How can you describe the overall atmosphere created at Company X in three words?

13. What new offerings would you like have at Company X?

14. Do you have any suggestions for improvement?

Thank you for your participation!

APPENDIX 4. Interview guide for the sales assistants Specify your position_____________

1. How do you evaluate current range of services provided by Company X?

Do they answer your expectations?

2. Thinking of the past 6 months, what services/ package you order the most often?

3. How do you evaluate the quality of services?

4. According to you, does the quality of services provided correspond the price?

5. How do you interact with Company X?

6. Do you (your customers) usually provide feedback?

7. How do you evaluate the work of personnel at Company X? Do they treat well with their customers?

8. What motivates you to book a service package at Company X for your customers?

9. What motivates you not to bring your guests to Company X?

10. Have your customers ever feel disappointed? If yes, what was the point?

11. Would you like to be informed about new services/ package at Company X?

If yes, through what information channels?

12. Thinking of the past 6 months, how often have you made reservations for your guests at Company X?

13. What new offerings would you/ your customers like to have at Company X?

14. Do you have any suggestions for improvement?

Thank you for your participation!