• Ei tuloksia

Limitations & Recommendations

6. Conclusion

6.2 Limitations & Recommendations

Qualitative method has been chosen to conduct the study, which included face-to-face interviews and focus group discussions. Hennink (2007, p. 7--9) stated that focus group discussion is likely to cause problems regarding group dynamics. Although group members might encourage each other to participate actively during the discussion, the risk of one participant dominating the discussion remains high due to personality traits of the given individual (Hennink, 2007, p. 7--9). In addition, it is likely that participants may agree with one another due to the circumstance within the group.

Furthermore, participants may withhold some information due the lack of privacy in the group, as they may not wish to share personal matters with other participants. Although (in

83 the case of this study), interviewees expressed their diverse views, and due to the nature of the friendly environment, most of the interviewees participated enthusiastically in the discussion. However, the possibility of different biases such as confirmation bias, recall bias, social desirability bias still remains high due to the nature of the method (Hennink, 2007, p.

10). However, parallel questions were drawn to minimize the biases. In addition, the moderator of the interview made sure everyone has equally participated by asking individual question with more emphasis on participants’ person experience or opinions.

The phenomena of LBS or LBD are relatively new in academia. Therefore, there is a general lack of academic work; consequently, the information is somewhat limited in books and articles. The theoretical framework of the study has been focused on LBS, customer data in combination with customer value. The research was done only in Finland within Finnish population, therefore, when reading the analysis, the cultural perspective of Finland should be taken into consideration.

For future research, as the LBS advances, more investigation will ultimately focus on different aspects of customer perception and other dimensions of the LBS and its dynamic relationship with users. Based on the findings from the current research, suggestions for future research can explicitly focus on more in-depth studies on different focus groups varying in age, cultural background and gender in order to define more bona fide picture on customer perception.

Furthermore, one fundamental question of LBS is how people use different location services in different contexts, which could be studied and identified from several angles. The usage of LBS is increasing rapidly, although it is yet to cover many aspects of our everyday life. The

84 empirical evidence clearly indicates that users-perceived risks and sacrifices are causing less LBD sharing. Further studies can focus on how customer perceived sacrifices can be compensated with better benefits. People’s perception will change positively as the benefit increases, more studies can be conducted to analyse consumer perception of the future of LBS and their expectations. Gaining consumer feedback on various LBS services could identify the shortcomings in the existing business model and improve service design that will strengthen the relationship with customers.

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