• Ei tuloksia


7.2. Limitations of the study and future research

My main concern regarding the study was that I would not get entirely honest answers from the male interviewees, regardless of the complete anonymity promised in the beginning of the interview process. I was afraid that the interviewees would provide me with somewhat tampered truth to appear as modern leaders who fully support the promotion of gender equality in all aspects of life. However, I felt strongly that all the interviewees spoke very openly and honestly about the issues and gave me as truthful answers as they could with the information or knowledge they had. I knew some of the interviewees already beforehand which I believe contributed positively to the creation of a very genuine and easy-going atmosphere.

Initially my plan was to interview the same amount of men and women sport executives to be able to compare the possible gender differences in the way the opposite genders see the current situation; whether they agree on the issues related to research dilemma or whether they, in fact, see them very differently. This could have given me a broader and more comprehensive view of the real reasons behind the gender imbalance in the top-level leadership positions in sports. However, as I noticed that the previous studies lacked a clear male standpoint, I decided to change the focus from both genders to solely on men. Therefore, I believe that seven male interviewees and one female interviewee is an acceptable sample composition as opposed to being a limiting factor in my research.

Referring back to the research findings, several interviewees argued that women are reluctant to actively apply for the sport leadership positions. This is believed to be caused by the lack of courage and confidence, but also because women are believed to value other aspects of life, such as parenting, higher than sports per se. Women are thus lacking the adequate level of passion which is one of the most essential driving forces in sports management. My suggestion for future research would be to examine the level of passion of women in the middle management in sports organizations to find out whether the previous claim holds true.

82 During my research process an interesting point caught my attention when I was examining different sport disciplines. For instance, in orienteering, the level of education of the workforce is probably the highest or at least one of the highest compared to most other sports. As it happens, their chairperson is a woman (has been for years) and their overall attitude toward women seems to be astonishingly egalitarian. This makes me wonder if the high level of education within organization or association could explain the unprejudiced and advanced attitude towards gender neutrality and female leaders. Therefore, as my second suggestion for future research, I think it would be extremely intriguing to study the level of education of different sport organizations and conduct a comparative analysis of how it relates to number of female executives in those particular organizations.



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