• Ei tuloksia

Limitations of the research and future directions


5.4 Limitations of the research and future directions

The thesis is subject to several limitations that need to be acknowledged when interpreting the results and conclusions. These limitations, however, provide possibilities for future research. Firstly, the research was limited only on a single country. As the characteristics of Finnish financial markets differ quite radically from many other domestic financial markets (Sunikka et al. 2010), and likewise does the investment behavior of Finnish consumers from consumers living in countries with more active capital markets, the results are not applicable to other countries. Accordingly, taking into consideration that country-specific differences might affect the

results, more empirical research is needed to verify the validity of the theoretical models in other settings.

Moreover, as the focus of the research was only on consumers aged between 45-65 years (due to the age group’s highest individual net worth), the results cannot be generalized to consumers of all age. After all, it is expected that consumers of different age have different motives and goals for investing, and thus are likely to evaluate investing differently.

Furthermore, the research was delimited to stocks and funds, and thus other investment products might yield different results, as individuals are likely to have different motivations to invest in those.

It also cannot be denied that the response rate of the study was below desired, and the nonresponse bias might have affected the results. The questionnaire recipients who decided not to respond might have been less interested in investment related matters, and as one can notice in the description of respondent profile, the sample consists mostly of consumers with prior investment experience. Since consumers with high and low involvement levels are expected to evaluate investing differently, a higher response rate would have yielded more reliable results. In order to get a better understanding of the behavior and beliefs of those consumers who have never invested in stocks or investment funds, future research could aim at testing the model with data of only consumers with no previous investment experience.

On a conceptual level, it needs to be acknowledged that there are several definitions for the value concept and thus controversies exist on how it should be correctly conceptualized and measured. This thesis adopted the investment value theory of Puustinen et al. (2013), however gave more focus on investment related sacrifices as the antecedents of expected investment value. Since to the best of our best knowledge, no prior research has defined nor measured the expected sacrifices of investing, the measurement scale was developed, tested and purified here for the

first time. Therefore, more empirical research is required in order to verify the validity and reliability of the scale. Also, as the theory suggested that expected sacrifice would consist of more dimensions than just the four, future research could focus on further testing of the dimensions.

Additionally, as mentioned in the theoretical part, perceived value is dynamic in nature (e.g. Parasuraman 1997; Woodruff 1997; Karkkila 2008) and this research only gives a static pre-investment view on consumer’s value perceptions. In order to see how one’s evaluations change during the investment process, a longitudinal study would offer new insights to investment research. Moreover, it would help financial companies in assessing their service strategies as they would gain more knowledge on how consumers’ expectations differ from their experiences and whether there is a gap between them.

Since the results suggested that subjective investment knowledge affects consumer’s evaluations of investment products and investment intentions, future research could focus on determining the antecedents of subjective investment knowledge. A better understanding of the factors which affect one’s self-assessed knowledge would assist in influencing consumer financial and investment behavior. After all, based on the results of this research, the level of consumers’ subjective stock and investment fund knowledge indirectly affect consumer investment intentions. Moreover, understanding which other factors besides expected investment value, expected sacrifices, and perceived behavioral control affect perceived compatibility would offer more information on the further development of investment products and services.

Furthermore, the results gave initial support to the suggestion that cognitive lock-in affects consumer investment decisions. However, the group comparisons were only made between two respondent groups;

those with previous investment experience and those with no investment experience, and consequently the evidence is quite thin. As it has been

suggested that cognitive lock-in is an increasingly important factor affecting consumer behavior (e.g. Johnson 2003) as the physical barriers to switch between products and their providers have disappeared.

Therefore, future research could focus more closely on its role on consumer investment decisions and to the extent that skill-based habits influence investment choices.


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