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Limitations and future studies

7. Conclusions

7.2 Limitations and future studies

This thesis was drafted from a point of view of how to optimise the success of The Last Jedi while analysing three discussion boards with other supporting data. However, to analyse further into the fan reaction of The Last Jedi, future studies could be done from each of the different individual groups which then can be contrasted against non-fans. The fact that this thesis had time and data limitation makes this thesis somehow lacking from so much more potential as well as important works that might have been missed by accident.

As it was a qualitative study, a future quantitative study regarding more data surrounding the Star Wars films’ success could be useful. A more accurate analysis of the success of The Last Jedi in comparison to the other Star Wars films could paint a more accurate picture. Human error must also be accounted for in the method and data collection process.

Ethical considerations for this study account for the transparency, objectivity and diligence in recording any evidence from the threads or existing literature and data. The fact that this study is conducted by an acafan (academic who is also a fan) might pose the danger of bias (Duffett, 2013, p.289). However, this is a study that highlights the negative and mixed fan reactions.

Further research to understand the gap in the field studies between religion and fandom could prove to be helpful to understand the devotion Star Wars fans dedicate to the narrative. Another gap in the field to further analyse is how someone becomes a fan in the first place. Duffet’s (2013) theories of fandom explain the reasons from a sociological point of view but mixing his view with other academic fields could provide with a more rounded and full answer. If no exact answer is ever found, then it will give more insight to the difficulties and delimitations on fan culture theory. Also, understanding nostalgia better and including it in a study to contrast this study and other fan

theories could also be useful in future to understand the bonds and connections fans make and how they transmit those personal feelings onto the fandom of their choice. Can nostalgia be recreated to


all sorts of fan types? The answer to that could be beneficial to brand and strategy managers as well as marketing managers.

The fan reaction analysed throughout this study were Star Wars fans, concerning The Last Jedi. It would be interesting to contrast this study against other fan reaction of other Star Wars films and their performances, to see if there are any pattern in the Star Wars behaviour which would indicate the backlash received from The Last Jedi will not pose a threat to the future of the franchise. By analysing future Star Wars films also, we could see if indeed The Last Jedi hurt the franchise as once the Phantom Menace (1999) was accused of doing once before but ultimately the Star Wars fandom is still alive and strong.

Lastly, by analysing other types of brand communities and franchises we can see if there are any common elements in their successes and failures which can also further the understanding towards fans and their brands.



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