• Ei tuloksia

Seven Finnish real estate investors were interviewed for this study. If the data had been larger, the results might have been different. The interviewees have different backgrounds, one of them started to invest 28 years ago and one of them three years ago. The differences between female and male investors were not examined. It was also not studied whether different age groups had differences in risk-taking, decision-making, and investment strategies.

For future research, it would be productive to study risk-taking and strategies between the genders. Another interesting topic would be if young investors, with less experience, take fewer or more risks than older ones. It could also be interesting to study risk-taking and strategies of full-time investors. Full-time investors are more financially dependent on their investments. Six out of seven investors interviewed for this study are part-time investors.

They have full-time jobs where they receive a monthly salary, meaning they are not fully dependent in their rental income.

Real estate investing is a broad topic, and there are many options which could be studied.

Real estate investing has become a popular way to invest. Many real estate investors in Finland have only one or a few apartments. Their opinion about risk-taking might be different compared to investors with 15 or more apartments.



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The interview questions to the investors Age


How many apartments do you own?

How many of them are in new buildings and how many in old buildings?

In which cities do your apartments locate?

When did you buy your first apartment for investing?

What kind of profit are you targeting for real estate investing?

1. Please, tell me about your decision-making process when making investment decisions.

2. What kind of strategy do you use in your real estate investments?

3. What are the most important criterions in successful real estate investing?

4. What kinds of apartments have you purchased and what kinds will you purchase in the future?

5. How does incresing urbanization affects your investing strategy?

6. What factors do you see as risks in real estate investing?

7. How do you try to manage risks of your real estate portfolio and manage decision-making in uncertainty?

8. How do you find out risks related to an apartment in advance before purchasing?

9. How do you analyze housing associations before decision-making when purchasing apartments?

10. What kinds of tenants are you looking for? How do you try to avoid risks when selecting tenants?

11. How Covid-19 and increased remote work have affected rentability of your apartments and your investment decisions?

12. Why did you choose real estate investing as your investment form?