• Ei tuloksia

The main limitation of this thesis is the small amount of interviews that was gathered and so the coverage of Finnish companies working in China was mar-ginal. Therefore there is a room for a large scale research to fully determine the stage of social media usage of Finnish companies in China. That research could also generate better and more thorough insight to the cultural differences affect-ing the usage and therefore better guidelines for companies to use when start-ing or improvstart-ing the social media usage in China.

Also it would be good to actually look through the social media sites of the companies and observe the social media usage that way. In this thesis that could not be accomplished mainly due to the language barrier and the lack of access to Chinese social media, as Sina Weibo is restricted to Chinese people and organizations working in China only. So it would be better to do this kind of research in co-operation with local people so that the language and re-strictions wouldn‟t affect the outcome of the research so much.

As mentioned earlier one limitation of this thesis is that the writer does not speak Chinese, so many articles that were in Chinese could not have been used for this thesis. Also the actual social media sites of the companies are in Chinese, so it was not possible to analyze the content directly from the sites.

One limitation for the interview results was that the interview data was collected via email, which leaves room for misunderstandings as email does not allow actually seeing or hearing if the other understands the question/answer correctly and is not an interactive way to collect data and communicate, as me-dia richness theory explains (see chapter 2.3.2).


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