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Limitations and suggestions for future research

Areas of future research on responsible business practices within the international operations of SMEs are presented in the result section of Publication I. This dissertation has empirically explored business responsibility in SMEs using different research methods (quantitative and qualitative) and different analysis levels (firm and institutional). Nevertheless, the investigation is limited to the primary data collected retrospectively from one point in time in all three empirical publications. Future research may employ a longitudinal study concerning SME internationalization along the adoption and development of responsible business practices among SMEs over time. Moreover, extending the research context to include SMEs operating in industries with a larger environmental footprint (such as chemistry, forestry, mining, and extractive) or countries with acute social problems (such as poverty, starvation, and inequality) may yield other exciting results and shed light on the specificities of RBP practices there.

Methodologically, the subjective measures used in Publications II and III for measuring outcomes complemented with the objective measures on both financial and responsibility indicators will benefit future research. Moreover, Publication II suggests that the difference in the influence of cross-relational management tasks and relationship-specific network competence on social responsibility may be rooted in the internationalization stage among SMEs in the sample. Thus, future research would benefit from including SMEs of a varying degree of involvement in international operations. Furthermore, the identified direction of relationships in these publications suggests RBPs are the predictors and mediators of international performance. However, several studies have identified internationalization as an important driver of social performance and environmental performance (Symeou et al., 2018), CSR ratings (Attig et al., 2016) or corporate sustainability (Park, 2018) of MNEs. Thus, further studies should account for and test for possible reverse causality in RBP-internationalization relationships in the SME context.

By conducting the study at the organizational and institutional levels, Publication IV suggests that future research should dig deeper into the individual level of analysis, particularly the thinking and decision-making of owner-managers. The values and choices of owner-managers regarding international operations and responsibility have often been visible in interviews, thus suggesting that future research should analyze their personal characteristics, motivations, decision-making logics, as well as the relationship

between their personal values and the company’s strategy. This dissertation results demonstrate that being involved in international operations and RBPs is crucial for SMEs themselves and benefits the minority groups and society at large. This is possible through the sincere commitment of SMEs that are eager to contribute to economic and responsible development both domestically and internationally, thus potentially contributing to achieving several of the SDGs. The role of founders or owner-managers is central to conceptualizing how SMEs are incentivized to adopt or resist becoming more responsible, especially in developing economies (Jamali, Lund-Thomsen, & Jeppesen, 2017).

Moreover, focusing on managerial and decision-making processes within an international context has recently been suggested (again, primarily for MNEs) in the discourse-based view of internationalization (Treviño & Doh, 2020). Methodologically, studying individual decision-making can be addressed by employing not yet widely used experimental research designs, as suggested by Zellmer-Bruhn, Caligiuri, and Thomas (2016). In recent IB research, these designs have already been used to study trust dimensions among individuals by using field-experimental data (Kwok et al., 2020).



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