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5.3 Limitations and recommendations for future research

possible solutions from the scientific literature, and how to solve the problem through the use of participative methods and bottom-up approaches.

This research brings two main contributions for the organizations: first, it proposes strategies and solutions for connecting HC with the organizational objectives through the definition of competencies needed to perform well in an organization in a future-oriented perspective. This, in turn, allows tailored training programs, able to fulfill the needs of the organization and to address future challenges by developing a common training culture.

Secondly, it provides clear evidence to managements that including employees in decisions related to their jobs increases their job satisfaction and sense of usefulness as well as their productivity. The methodologies applied in this research are applicable to different business sectors and types of industry, producing valuable insights into how managements may achieve business objectives through investing in people.

5.3 Limitations and recommendations for future research

This dissertation, in common with any research work, has some limitations that must be noted and may become useful suggestions for future research. As each article discusses its own limitations, this chapter focuses on the limitations of the dissertation at a more general level. The results of this research work can be considered as a preliminary attempt to examine HR practices as microfoundations of HC development, an attempt which needs further development for two reasons.

Firstly, this research limits its attention to three HR practices as microfoundations of HC development: employees’ participation in organizational restructuring, training, and the implementation of competency models. These practices were chosen as they were considered the most relevant in the literature. Nevertheless, future research should focus on developing this perspective, including other HR practices, such as the selection of employees, staffing levels, performance management, communication, compensation, and rewards and incentives, analyzing them as factors for HC development.

Secondly, this research comprises a collection of cases carried out in different companies and sectors of industry. The results are not, therefore, industry-specific; future research might extend the findings by focusing on the characteristics of a specific industrial sector, verifying how this impacts on the results.

Moreover, mixed-method research must make a specific distinction between the limitations of quantitative and qualitative studies. Of the quantitative studies, two out of three articles, specifically Articles 4 and 5, are company-specific, meaning that the methodology has been implemented in one company. The results are exhaustive but further research and applications of the methodology would allow the complete generalizability of results. Furthermore, only one study (Article 5) is based on longitudinal data. Longitudinal data would be desirable for all the studies to better understand the effects and impact of the change process on the results.

The qualitative studies included in this dissertation (Articles 1 and 2) represent the development and implementation of a case method that does not allow further generalizability of the results. This opens the door for the competency model developed through this study to be applied in different sectors to verify its applicability and utility in different industry and business contexts. Future research could be aimed at investigating how the digital transformation of organizations impacts on the implementation of competencies’ models and what characteristics are needed to facilitate the development of HC during the digitalization process.

Thirdly, this research intentionally focuses on internal resources as the key factors in developing HC and organizational uniqueness. Future research could combine internal and external resources.


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