• Ei tuloksia

Limitations and proposals for further research


8. We should learn from B2C e-commerce practices

6.3 Limitations and proposals for further research

Despite the researcher’s attempt to be thorough in the research process, there are a few limitations to the research. In a qualitative case study, it is not relevant to have a large group of subjects under investigation, since the goal is to conduct a high-quality and profound analysis on a rather narrow topic (Ojasalo et al., 2014, pp. 52-53). Therefore, the number of studied e-commerce sites was decided to be six so that each of them could be thoroughly analyzed. It is also worth keeping in mind, that only one customer was interviewed for the research, so no valid conclusions can be drawn from it. The point was rather to complement the results from the survey and gain a better understanding

of the backgrounds. The interview was also conducted in English, which was neither the interviewer’s nor the interviewee’s native language, so that may have affected the un-derstanding of the questions and the quality of answers. However, the questions were explained carefully so that misunderstandings would not arise. It should also be kept in mind that the survey was conducted among a technology company’s customers, so the results might differ in another line of business. Nonetheless, these results still provide new information and guidelines for promoting customer intimacy in e-commerce that can be applied and adjusted into different fields.

What comes to further research proposals, one interesting future research idea would be to study if the customers’ needs and preferences differ in another industry and how should customer intimacy be promoted in such an environment. This research found that customers in the technology industry find product technical requirement details as most important, but the situation might be different for example in the pharmaceutical indus-try. In the same way, it would be interesting to find out on a deeper level whether there are differences between B2B and B2C customers when it comes to customer intimacy.

Even though this research slightly addressed the question and came to the conclusion that B2B e-commerce can learn from Amazon’s actions to promote customer intimacy, there might be some differences on a deeper level. One can assume that since the pur-chasing decision-making process is different, B2B and B2C customers might value for ex-ample different aspects of the product descriptions.

As the research results showed, even though most technology customers find product reviews at least somewhat useful, are there also some doubts about their trustworthi-ness and relevance. Therefore, it would be interesting to research further how customers in the technology industry see ratings and reviews, and how important functionalities they are for building customer intimacy in e-commerce.


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