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5 Research methodology

8.3 Limitations and future research

As the research is general, there are certain limitations to the study that need to be considered. Firstly, although definitions to the key concept of the research were provided, there is no guarantee that everyone shares the same perception towards job satisfaction and turnover intention. For example, the employees might have other reasons outside the factors presented in the literature review to satisfy them at work.

Secondly, considering the length and time limit of this study, some theories and related topics need to be excluded from the study. In addition, the collected data consist of only nine participants, which makes the study narrow and the remaining gap in supporting and developing constructive theory as the results derive within limited samples.

Moreover, due to the current situation of Covid 19 and the shift to remote work,

employee’s perception towards job satisfaction might change and influence the result of this study.

However, the limitations provide room for further research. As the employee turnover intention is not only determined by job satisfaction, there are other aspects that can affect the employee’s intention to leave such as employee engagement, organization justice (Bussin, 2018; Kim et al. 2017, Belete, 2018) or employee’s commitment (Kotze

& Roodt, 2005). However, this thesis does not study the relationship of these factors to turnover intention in startups. Therefore further studies can explore the relationship among those mentioned variables to turnover intention. In addition, a focus study on employees who hold middle positions in a startup would make an interesting research to identify the drive to their motivation. Another potential research can study the factors of job satisfaction in remote working and how to prevent an employee's intention to leave.


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Appendix. Interview guide for participants Section 1: Personal information

Can you shortly introduce your background and your work at the moment.

How long have you been working for the current company?

Do you have any prior experience working in a startup?

Are you aware of the limitations and challenges that startup companies often face?