• Ei tuloksia

Limitations and Future Research


5.5. Limitations and Future Research

As described in the previous section, the study was conducted following a scientific approach to it, but intrinsically the study still contains some limitations as well. The main limitations of this study consider the collected sample of the data and the research methods.

Firstly, in this study, two organizations operating in a self-managing way were examined, and altogether thirteen employees were interviewed. Both organizations operated in the software industry, and the interviewed employees’ offices were located in Finland. Thus, this study’s results cannot be generalized to self-managing organizations in other fields of business or other countries either. The industry’s characteristics in question influenced the results and studied perspectives broadly, and thus would not likely be possible to repeat in organizations from other fields. Some of this study’s topics were related to Finnish laws, such as labor and occupational health and safety laws, which is why the results may not be adopted to organizations operating under different laws.


Secondly, the interviewed employees were highly educated knowledge workers who worked in the software industry, which has a highly requested labor market. It may influence their employee well-being itself and their capabilities to work in a self-managing organization. The employees also participated voluntarily in the interviews, knowing its topic, which raises a question, whether their level of employee well-being was higher than the other employees in the organizations.

Thirdly, there are limitations regarding the conducting of the study. As the interviews were conducted only once at a specific time, with a relatively limited sample, the results can be considered only as experiences of the interviewed group of people at a specific time. Thus, they cannot be generalized to reflect the interviewed organizations’ views or even the interviewed employees’ perceptions at all times. Indeed, part of the nature of interviewing is the uncertainty, whether the participants dare to tell their experiences as they are, even when being aware of the anonymity. The chosen methods for analyzing data also possessed challenges and disadvantages, in addition to their advantages, as described in chapter 3.3.

The collected data was rich and offered many perspectives to the studied topic. As this study was a master’s thesis and had its limitations regarding its extent, many exciting but not relevant matters had to be left outside the scope. However, this leaves many possibilities for future research on the topic. Firstly, as part of the TEOT -research project, organizations from other business fields were interviewed. By analyzing the data from the other organizations focusing on the research questions in this study, more broad views regarding the field of business could be reached. In addition, the data from the quantitative survey could be utilized to gain a broader understanding of the employee well-being in the participating organizations. Furthermore, there are other business fields outside of the TEOT- research project scope, which could be examined as well.

Secondly, future research could examine the topic culture-wide, thus gaining a better understanding of the different views and organizational practices in other countries and cultures. Thirdly, quantitative research could be conducted based on the different findings found in this study. With a larger quantitative sample, this study’s results could be confirmed or challenged and generalized more. However, what is notable in this study is that it was conducted as part of the TEOT -research project, and thus by acquainting oneself to the other publications of this research project, a relatively comprehensive view on the topic and from the collected data can be reached.



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Appendix A: Employee interview Work:

o How long have you worked for this organization?

o How would you describe this workplace if you compare it for example to your previous experiences? What is special in this workplace?

o Please, describe your typical day at work. What do you do? Which tasks do you spend the most of your time on?

o What are your current responsibilities at your work?

o How was your current (working) role created or defined?

o If you want to change your (working) role, how does it happen? Are you capable to doing so by your own initiative?

Subjective wellbeing:


o What is best in your own job? What motivates you most at the moment?

o What kind of employee gets on well in this organization? (What kind of skills/competences should one have to succeed?)

o How does your organization support learning?

o In what ways do you receive feedback at your work? How do you give feedback to others?


o What is demanding or exhausting in your own job? If you have stress, what causes it?

o What is psychologically demanding at your work? What is socially demanding at your workplace?


o How do you think this company / organization is managed?

Organization practices:

Task division and creating new tasks:

o How are tasks allocated at your workplace? And how are roles determined?

o If a need to create a new team / role / task emerges, how does it happen? Can you influence on creating such a new team/role/task if you see that it is needed?


o How would you describe decision-making at your workplace?

o Do you have the authority to make decisions concerning yourself and your own work?

Do the employees in general have this kind of authority?

o What kind of decision-making processes are used at this workplace?


o If you have to buy something you need for example tools, software, etc. How does the

o If you have to buy something you need for example tools, software, etc. How does the