• Ei tuloksia

9. Solution for compliance control

9.2. IT solution analysis

Once the idea for continuous compliance control is built, the questions for use and further development arise. A method as handbook is necessary but not enough. To put a method to work and considering that a lot of information will be collected, classified, analyzed and assessed, a kind of info-technological solution must be developed. The main reason for this is that a huge amount of information for assessing the current situation, as well as the amount of information, is growing rapidly. Another reason for this is a systematic approach, it means that one change causes other changes. The third reason is the market situation in the financial sector, which also changes continually.

In Financial Supervision Authority an analysis team was assembled and based on preliminary proposed structure of pre-analysis, RASS’s (Risk Assessment System Solution) desired solution follows. Pre-analysis should describe the context of the system and the functional and non-functional requirements.

9.2.1. Context Main functions:


• RASS data collection - a single solution must allow to gather all possible information of all subjects and all of the different risk indicators for risk assessment.

• Systematization of information - system must allow information connected subjects and risk indicators to be placed in such a way that it supports appropriate risk assessments

• Description of events - system must provide a single solution for all kinds of events, either associated with the subjects or the risks.

• Analysis and results - system must enable risk analysis and presentation of risk analysis results.

• Assessments - system must allow the user to develop a risk assessment based on available information and assist the user through the process.

• Estimates design - system must allow summarizing the risk assessments made for the subjects.

9.2.2. Functional requirements

The following factors are agreed with IT solution project team in Supervision Authority.


The system must allow categorizing users at least four different levels considering how they use the functions: administrator – administrator or root-user; chief auditor - responsible for subjects; risk analyst - responsible for risk and user - normal user.


Inputs entering in new subject or new information (for example a document) into system are predefined and will agree with the analysis of the system. Subjects’ description should give an overview about the subject – its structure, business activities etc.


Next assessment requirements and criteria should be developed in system:

Qualitative – yes/no, sufficient/not sufficient, reliable/not reliable, presented/not presented;

Quantitative – statutory indicators, analyst’s ratios, internally set limits and ratios.


Assessment in system must comply with the prescribed classification of risks:

• Low risk

• Medium risk

• Considerable risk

• High risk


Shortcomings which cause the risks are in essence the observations require action of supervision and measures of supervision, and deficiencies in the system must be presented separately.

Formally, the system should display the parallel information fields, in which observation of the deficit, decided measure (both proposals as well as confirmation), the deadline agreed for implementation and the status (whether the measure is implemented or needs implementation).


The system must allow for all sorts of queries with respect to criteria drawn up. There should be both the predefined queries (described above) as well as opportunity to make queries and disclose via query preparation module. For example, the query on the general information of subject allows seeing the whole information connected to the subject in one window.

9.2.3. Non-functional requirements

The following aspects are agreed with IT solution project team in Supervision Authority.


The system must identify and authenticate users, who must be resolved as a username and password combination, as well as ID card to use.

System controls are necessary to ensure data integrity and must be built into the system.

System controls should be implemented for input, operations and output.

Database design should allow to continuously copy the changes (incremental backup) and periodic full backup copy (full backup). Backup system has to ensure that the maximum allowable data loss does not exceed one week (recovery point objective).

Sending data out of the system or putting the data into the system by means other than through the user interface, data must be encrypted. Encryption is necessary to ensure data confidentiality and integrity.

The created system has to enable the remote access to the system in accordance with previously agreed and certain number of specified computers.

Specific security requirements will be developed during the system analysis and design.


Capacity must allow serving at least 50 concurrent users while maintaining the system to normal operating speed, including the opening of the functions, data input and query responses displayed.

With increasing number of data it may be necessary to optimize the database in order to maintain performance characteristics.

79 Records

The system must allow logs of operations or audit trails. Log files can be managed by the administrator.

Log files should provide information about who, what and when changed, added or deleted a certain information in system.


The system must be developed to draw attention to usability. For example, the usability requirements such as the thousands of empty spaces rather than commas, currency conversion, etc. must be carried out automatically.

Usability requirements are divided as following:

• Clarity - simple and usable functions, structure;

• Perceptibility - the system complies with a given business process;

• Simplicity - less steps to reach the desired results;

• System support - guidance by the system;

• Data input - to add documents must be comfortable, also there has to be a possibility to add multiple files at once.


The system must allow easy and quick improvements to the system, including the administrator or super user to change some parameters or classifications, make them obligatory/not obligatory etc.

The system must allow easy and fast system development, such as the addition of new inquiries, new functions, new connections with other databases, new check-lists, include ORSA (Operational Risk Self-Assessment) and the like.


The system must be built on a client-server solution. Relational database must be used by the system.

Possible file types used in data input:

• Office - doc, xls, ddoc, ppt, odf, docx

• txt

• pdf

• jpg, png




System must allow connections at least with following systems:

• Web-page

• Analysis software


• Document management system

• E-mail system Views

The system has the ability to display different views, such as:

• Home - all subjects and all predefined queries, standards (the laws with the main figures) as a link etc.;

• Subject chosen - index bookmarks (generic, etc.), standard numbers, in addition the given estimates, links to the main operations etc.


The system developer must be willing to add the specialists in their field into development process. The main focus should be directed to develop a system suitable for users and smaller proportion of the whole system may be directed to analysis and documentation. A significant amount of prototyping development method should be used.


Testing tasks should be prepared and approved prior to the tests conducted. Both, the technical tests by developer and functions tests by the end user should be conducted.

Testing scenarios must be composed.

Pilot use

One of the system development phases must be the pilot phase, allowing complete risk assessment.

Further evaluation of system will be carried out outside the system to verify compliance with the results - if there is a significant differences about the results, an analysis must be carried out. The analysis must explain why the differences occur and how the system must be improved.

System administration

Using administration interface, the functions like insert, change and delete of users;

insert, change and close the subjects in system; manage classificatory, look through the logs of the system, initiate the backup copy of system data etc. must be available. Also there must be tools in the system for administrators and master users for making minor changes in functionality.

System documentation

After development, next documentation will be delivered:

• Analysis and design of the system;

• Source code;


• Administration manual;

• User manual;

• Development project documentation.

Documentation should allow external users (end-users, developers, administrators) to understand how the system is developed and how it works.