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Appendix 6. Interview guide for postpartum women

Appendix 6. Interview guide for postpartum women.

Interview Guide for Postpartum Women

Introduction to the topic:

1. What do you think you should you eat during pregnancy? Why should you eat these foods, what is so good about them?

2. What should you not eat during pregnancy, why not? Is there any reason for not eating these foods? What about spices? Can you use them during pregnancy?

3. Where did you hear about good foods and bad foods in pregnancy?


a. What did they tell you?

b. When did they tell you? (Before pregnancy, during routine health services, during preg-nancy, early pregnancy)

c. Did you ask about this or did they volunteer the information?

d. Did you understand what they told you?

e. Did you have more questions or confusions?

f. Do you have more questions about this now?

g. Do you trust their info?

h. Did you hear anything about these foods and what should be eaten and not eaten dur-ing pregnancy from your African friends here in Helsinki?

i. What did they say?


4. Now, how long have you been living in Finland?

5. How old were you when you first came here? And you moved from (name a country), right?

6. How old are you now?

7. How many children do you have?

8. How old is your (youngest) child?

9. Have you been pregnant before this last pregnancy? How many times?

10. Do you have a degree from school? What degree?

History/Food security:

11. Do you still remember what life was like in Africa?

12. Do you remember what women were eating back home in (name a country) when they were pregnant, like women in your family or in your neighborhood?

13. When you were a child, did you eat enough to feel satiety? Were you offered foods from dif-ferent food groups (vegetables, grains, meats etc.)?

a. Was there enough food for everyone in your family?

b. Were there any times in your life when you did not have enough food? How is your sit-uation now?

c. Do you now have enough food since you have come to Finland?

d. Do you eat the same way you did in the past?


14. Do you still follow (name a country) food practices now that you live in Finland?

15. Have any of your eating habits changed since moving to Finland? What has changed?

16. Have you noticed the way pregnant Finnish women eat? What have you observed?

17. So you know things from (name a country) and now you have seen what it’s like here in Fin-land, what do you think you like more, do you think you do more what (name a country) women do, or do you do more like Finnish women?

Eating habits:

18. Did your appetite change when you were pregnant?

19. Were you eating similarly during pregnancy than to how you were eating before? What

changed? Anything that became a total NO? Why so? Any food or drink that you could not eat during pregnancy? Or did you eat something more?

20. How many meals did you have in a day when you were pregnant? How many meals do you have when you are not pregnant and not breastfeeding?

21. How do you pick your foods? (Taste, money, or other reasons?)

Climate and eating choices:

22. Do you eat the same foods year around? Weather in Finland is so different to Africa. Do you think the cold weather in Finland impacts your food choices?

Religious and cultural implications:

23. Are you a religious person?

24. Do you ever fast for religious reasons? How is your food then? Is it easy to fast if you are preg-nant, or do you not fast if you are pregnant?

25. Anything else from your religion that affects your food during pregnancy?

26. Does your religion stop you from eating something? Is there anything that you are not allowed to eat?

27. Are there any foods that you are not allowed to eat in your culture? If yes, why? Do you eat those foods here in Finland? Are there any foods in your culture that you are not allowed to eat in pregnancy?

28. In Finland, if we are eating with friends, they don’t ask us for more and more food, how is it in your culture? If you are a guest, do they insist for more food, do you eat more because of that?

29. Do you find your (name a country) foods here in Finland, all the ingredients and stuff? So, you can cook exactly what you cook in (name a country)?? What’s missing?

30. Do you drink alcohol? (if yes: did you drink during pregnancy, why?) (if no: why not? social, cultural-, religious influence, personal choice or due to medical reasons?)

The course of a pregnancy:

31. How was your last pregnancy?

32. Was anything bothering you? What did you do about that?

33. How about your food? Can that help? Did you eat something special when you were feeling ill during pregnancy?

34. If nothing was bothering you, this is good, right, why do you think you had such a good preg-nancy without problems?

35. Did you eat anything special before getting pregnant?

36. Can food help you to get pregnant?

37. IF HAS BEEN PREGNANT BEFORE: Did you eat similarly in you most recent pregnancy than how you ate in the pregnancy before that?


38. What was your weight gain like in your last pregnancy?

a. Were you happy about your weight in your last pregnancy?

b. Did you change your eating and exercising habits to manage your weight?

c. And how do you feel about your baby’s weight?

d. Is it good to deliver a big baby or a small baby?

e. Can you impact your baby’s size by your lifestyle choices?

Nutrition in pregnancy:

39. The normal foods that you eat, are they enough during pregnancy, or do you need something more? What about taking any supplements, like vitamins, minerals and stuff?

40. What about the baby, when you eat something, does it go to the baby? So, if you eat good food, what will happen to the baby?

41. Were there times when you were pregnant, that you wanted to eat or drink something? Like anything which you would not usually eat, but in pregnancy you wanted that? Did you have something like that? Anything sweet or sour?

42. What about something that you did not want to eat, that made you feel ill?

Influence of friends:

43. Did your Finnish friends stop you from eating some foods during your pregnancy? Why did they do that?

44. What about your African friends, did they stop you from eating some foods during your preg-nancy, why did they do that?

Trends of seeking info:

45. If you want to know something about what to eat or not to eat, what do you do? Who do you ask? Do you go somewhere to ask about this? Do you ask a person, some people?

46. When you were in school, did they tell you about these things in school? What did they tell?

What school did you learn this in?

47. Have you heard something in the news, or magazines or somewhere? What about internet or these blogs and Facebook and stuff?

Food photos:

48. Tell us what’s in the picture (ask about the ingredients).

49. Do you eat this often? How often?

50. Do you eat this in routine days or is this only for your pregnancy days?


a. Why so? Why do you eat this in pregnancy days? What’s the reason?

b. Is there an effect on health? Your health? Is there an effect on your baby's health?

(probe about good effect and bad effect) c. Who asked you to eat this during pregnancy?

d. Do women eat this here in Finland or in (name a country)?


Is there anything that you would like to share with me about pregnancy and food and eating that I didn’t already ask?