• Ei tuloksia


4.2. Induction methods in the case company

The case firm has a well thought and standard induction phase for new employees. Orientation to relevant tasks and introduction to the company and its practices is vital in the company. The beginning of every career starts with a general orientation session with a human resource worker. Here the newcomer gets an orientation package: inside an envelope can be found dif-ferent kind of forms, guides, and contracts to be signed. After this, a general safety training is held. The newcomer gets his / her work clothes and is ready to go to the recruited department.

Supporting orientation is three months lasting Induction - training program which includes dif-ferent tasks that can be done while working and which make it easier to learn company prac-tices, know the store and to socialize with co-workers. This booklet is global and at least in the case firm, they also have own checklists for local activities. A newcomer has a lot to learn, and the problem can be how to obtain all the information. (Observation; Case’s orientation guide 2017.)

Induction is a clear phase which makes it as a concept easy to understand. It was understood quite similarly among interviewees:

"Induction is like when you generally go through the tasks so they kind of stick so that you have some touch on what to do. And then you go to the field to work, and you try to memorize it."

(Interview #2)

“Development and induction is pretty much the responsibility of the person, too. So, that he/she is kind of given the information… That is the difficult thing when you come as a new one, and you don't know what you don't know. So, the information is given of which are the things you should know, and it is the person's responsibility to search where to get that information. How-ever, manager is the main responsible for induction." (Interview #1)

To help the newcomers in the beginning of work the case firm has assigned buddy activities.

Buddy is a support person who has been trained for the task and assists the department's superior

with an induction, supports in learning company's practicalities and familiarizes the newcomer with the store and co-workers. Buddy helps if there are any questions and supports doing In-duction – booklet tasks. Buddy works at first with the same shifts as the newcomer and has breaks at the same time whenever possible. The recommended mutual shift period is for two weeks. Superior and a buddy are together responsible for a proper induction phase. During induction, there are also multiple trainings to learn the case company’s way of doing. (Obser-vation; Case’s orientation guide 2017.) Buddy is well appreciated and an effective induction method which shows from the data:

"Buddy is the named person you at least can ask. Superior has, of course, the main responsi-bility of induction but buddy is in an important role to tell about [case company] and our values and to go through new things. Buddy is like a role model to the new one.” (Interview #1)

“I was with her [buddy] a lot but I could also work in the beginning pretty much by myself. And at that point I did not question if everything went right. So, I was trusted in the very beginning and nobody came to see whether I did it right or not.” (Interview #2)

The case firm highlights working-by-doing mentality. The first tasks are usually simple and buddy advices whenever needed. Errors or failure are not punished. Induction -training can be done within the time required. The case company also encourages asking because that way learning increases. (Induction guide 2017.) Induction-training includes two booklets - both to employee and to buddy, which need to be filled. These booklets are returned to Human Re-source office, and HR co-workers monitor that every new worker has done them within the first three to four months.

Buddy’s guide includes tips what to say to and how to support a newcomer. There is also ex-plained what should be introduced and when Also, the wanted learnings from newcomers in-duction - training is defined in this guide. There are some basic guidelines from work tasks that need to be taught for the newcomer. The case has its original design and way products are presented, and communicated and it needs to be present always to differentiate from the com-petitors. Buddies help the newcomers to see the case company’s way of doing things. (Induction guide 2017.)

“I am [buddy] there at the field helping. And I’m always there to be available. So, when needed I can go to help.” (Interview #4)

Values are highlighted in the case company, and they are also actively present in the product range. Thus, values are essential in everyday working life. In practice, some values and the explanations are painted on the walls to remind and inspire people. Values are also questioned in recruitment process when people are asked to think what values suits them best. In induction, the orientation package includes a booklet where these values are better presented and opened.

Within few months, a superior will have a trial period discussion where job orientation and induction phase is evaluated.

Values and the way the case firm works and shows are well taught to newcomers. Mostly these learnings come from training which is also an important part of induction. This was also rec-ognized from the interviews:

“In the beginning, there was a lot of training. So, I had to run in those all the time. And it was good although it was more like what is [case company] as a brand, but there was of course safety training and racking training and so on.” (Interview #2)

4.2.1. Socialization

In the case firm there are multiple different departments, many of which have different working times and areas. Most of the socialization happens within the department for these reasons.

When a newcomer comes to the company, he/she first meets a human resource worker but already in the same day the new employee is introduced with own department's co-workers and to own team and other relevant personnel if possible.

“When I first walked through the department with [superior] I always shook hands with [sales superior] or salesperson to say hello and my name. Or [superior] said that this is [new em-ployee]. [Superior] introduced me and if somebody said hello he/she introduced me to them also.” (Interview #2)

The case company has a formal orientation program and named persons to support newcomer.

Sharma (1998) stated that an appropriate socialization program could ensure a smooth transition

into an insider and for employees to be able to bridge the gap between expectations and reality.

To make newcomers internalize, understand and accept the organization's norms and work, a support person is needed. Besides superior, a buddy is an important person at this stage. Supe-rior can be busy with other tasks, but a buddy has the time to be there working with the new-comer. Buddy goes through a one-day training, and there are also teambuilding activities for existing buddies to remind of the important work. The importance is to be the person from whom to ask and who is there for support the new one. Buddy is also there to help to learn silent knowledge which can be difficult to obtain other ways. As Tang et al. (2014) identified three employee socialization tactics: observation, inquiry, and networking, the data showed all of these well facilitated.

"To encourage and help the new one. In a way, mental things also. So, that the new one does not feel that he/she does not belong here and [as a buddy] to take that task to yourself. And is not left alone with work as here is quite much that kind -. Where you cannot find any information from manuals, so you just must know or to ask how it is done. So many regulations. So many.”

(Interview #3)

“[Induction] is based on conversations and in that way buddy also learns new things when he/she gives orientation and listens how a new person thinks about things or discusses of pro-cesses, or if some things are questioned and so on.” (Interview #1)

Training is also important socialization event as workers from different departments are gath-ered together. The opportunity is to learn the different jobs in the company, get to know the people behind them and to have a bigger picture of the processes which keep the company moving. Introducing to different people in the organization also helps in adjusting to the com-pany and feeling more welcome.

"In training, we all introduced ourselves. There was a lot of people for example from [different departments], and there you could see who there are. And also in workshops when we build [things], so we had to discuss [laughing]. And we had to tell about ourselves and so on." (In-terview #2)

When working in the case company, one can sign up for extra work shifts for other departments.

This means that when someone cannot suddenly come to work, others on the extra work list

can accept the open work shift. Already from the beginning newcomers can choose the depart-ments they are capable of working. This way they learn better how the case company works and also to learn the people in different departments.

Personnel has a comfortable lunch and break area where people can either sit on a long table or smaller tables beside it. Most of the workers choose the long table to socialize in it. There is also a television on during the day which often raises discussion and laughter about the pro-grams. It can be an easy way to open conversation with a stranger. Newcomers are well wel-comed in the break area and invited to the long table with others.

Workers belong to teams which depend on their role and department. The size of the teams varies between departments. Teams have recreation days once per year, and there is also one for the whole store once per term. Socialization between teams happen mainly in work tasks, and breaks as a team work usually in the same area. Teams have also team meetings where relevant issues are discussed. Based on the empirical data teams were felt comfortable and close.

"We are pretty open on our team, so we talk about different things daily. So, team members share ideas between each other’s when they notice things. Someone can figure out something useful.” (Interview #3)

4.2.2. Leadership

The case firm has well trained and monitored supervisors. However, empowerment in its defi-nition is difficult in an organization with many principles and regulations. Empowering leader-ship is a leaderleader-ship style where freedom and ability to make independent decisions is given by managers to employees (Slåtten et al. 2011). In case context, this is however not suitable for all the employees because many of the tasks are routinely based and concept strict. The lack of being able to make decisions and implement actions without direct supervision also reduces the climate of creativity. Design -department has the most empowering leadership in the case based on the data which is also needed as the creativity is mostly in their hands. According to Tschohl (cf. Slåtten et al. 2011), “true empowerment means employees can bend and break rules.” In-volvement in decision making and pushing the concept rules to the edge gives a better feeling

of freedom - even if it is not fully given.

Every team has a leader in the case. Superior is responsible for the team members and of the induction of new workers to the team. In the case firm becoming a superior does not necessarily require having a management education. The case company has own leadership training which needs to be applied when becoming a superior. These help in understanding how to be a leader and what are the essentials of leadership. Superior needs to be aware of his/her tasks and be self-managing. Issues need to be handled when they come and actions planned accordingly.

According to Rivera-Vazquez et al. (2009) the values of low power distance, individualism, and low uncertainty avoidance empower managers to think globally when adapting to changes, while acting locally in social exchange situations.

Superior is the responsible person of a newcomer and therefore they are responsible of the induction phase. This is not an easy task when having regular work at the same time, as noticed from interviews:

"Nobody has defined it for you or supporting what it means when a new employee starts on your team. You have to know yourself that on the first day a new employee starts and you start to think what it means. It is a lot of work." (Interview #3)

Getting to know the superior and building trust between him/her and newcomer is crucial.

Trust-building comes from different sources and varies between personalities. However, there are many common ways to gain trust. The first weeks are especially important to form the wanted image of the role of superior and also the whole company to the newcomer. Superior cannot hand the whole orientation to a buddy but also needs to reserve some time to get to know the new employee. Showing that there are no barriers to ask questions from superior is im-portant and that the power distance is low. Some newcomers prefer to seek the confirmation from superior rather than from a buddy. This is also dependent on personalities and how well different people get along with each other.

“[Superior] helped us the first weeks and we did together different tasks. It really helped to get to know him/her and the ways things are done.” (Interview #2)

"That [asking] is what I do all the time and ask whenever I think even for a second whether I should do like this or that there is an issue. So, I say immediately because [superior] always knows how to help. So, I never struggle with a problem… And then he/she [superior] said after some time that you can say if you do not need me anymore [laughter], but I was like good that you are here to help me. But it has been really helpful." (Interview #2)

"I [superior] know what the work is. It probably helps when you understand the job description and that it is not a piece of cake so to speak. But probably the honesty and open atmosphere and to lead by example are important values to me and I hope that it also shows there… I feel that [to build trust] one needs to be open and genuine. So, you sort of don't cover things up or leave without telling. Of course, in that scale on what you can tell. On my opinion honesty is one of the biggest and of course the open atmosphere. I want to be an easily accessible supe-rior." (Interview #3)

Trust also comes the other way around. Employees need to trust superior, but as important it is for superior to trust and empower employees. Without trusting in new employees' abilities and skills, a newcomer can feel unwelcomed and inferior. The first months are a delegate time be-cause between that time a newcomer reviews if the work is suitable for him/her and decides whether to continue working or not. The motivation to work is also dependent on the trust from superior. Supporting the buddy is also essential to empower his/her skills in coaching. (Harris et al. 2014, 597.)

“I have tried to encourage the buddy in a way that be brave and you know what to do. So more like encouraging and being supporting. I don’t want to be always the one saying unless it is that kind of an issue that needs the responsibility of a superior. But I want to be always on track what is happening [in orientation] and how much time they are spending together to have the touch on it.” (Interview #3)

4.3. Innovation

Only few companies can be successful for over a decade. According to Geus (1998) in the Northern hemisphere, the average life expectancy for companies was studied to be below 20 years. The fundamental reason for not sustaining success for a long time period is the inability

to change when the environment changes. (Stempfle 2011, 116.) The case company has learnt to overcome this barrier because it is constantly changing and shaping. The basic business idea stays the same, but the designs and content has evolved during the years. (Company Inside 2017)

The case company does not have a distinct store level innovation strategy. The firm sees the concept of innovation more as a product innovation and inspiration. The creative atmosphere is inspired by case’s values which are represented everywhere. Many of the company’s em-ployees feel that values bring the joy of working as well as good co-workers. The company spirit can be defined in enthusiasm which is what inspires the co-workers and customers. En-thusiasm strives from wide product range, variety of colors and change in seasons that are pre-sented inspiringly. The case company’s Design -department is the most creative department, and the workers are responsible for the inspiring product presentations. Even smaller celebra-tions are brought to light to inspire people and to remind them that something is coming.

“So it [creativity] shows in the whole store. And just this morning we discussed that the seasons are the creativity here. Because it inspires people to buy. So, they find that hey, I also want that kind of [X] to my home and that this is a very good idea. And, well creativity is shown all through the store. And that is the thing that we try to inspire people to buy. And it shows."

(Interview #2)

“If you think about our Decor -department, it is pretty much their task for example to be crea-tive. If you think that we have a product and if we have been delivered it more than we need, for example that we have had products for five years’ sales need suddenly or that the product does not sell for some reason. Then the Design’s task is to think how to put that product moving and to be sold. And we have a lot of examples from the house…. So, it is especially the Design -departments habit to think and to show customers the various ways to use a product. And it is also possible to implement if some other employee than from Design -department comes up with an idea.” (Interview #1)

Besides visible creativity also working styles can be different in the case company, especially in Design –department:

"Everyone has kind of different ways, so it is not defined how you work on product range or presentation except in the frames of principles. But everyone can work as they like. In my team, someone could make a collage, someone sketches and drawings, someone goes to the Internet

"Everyone has kind of different ways, so it is not defined how you work on product range or presentation except in the frames of principles. But everyone can work as they like. In my team, someone could make a collage, someone sketches and drawings, someone goes to the Internet