• Ei tuloksia

In this section I discuss the reliability and validity of this study as well as the conclusions and implications of the results and future research topics. The reliability of this study is supported by the meticulous way of describing the research process and including in appendices the questionnaire and interview forms. However, some difficulty in reproducing the study would be caused using a different interviewer and different follow-up questions and clarifications, as these do not appear in the interview form. That being said, the follow-up questions and clarifications were important to avoid misunderstandings, which in turn increases the reliability.

Likewise, the process of analysis has been explained in detail to ensure the duplicability.

Considering validity, the questionnaire forms, for example, should be constructed so that there is no room for misinterpretations and if the answers given imply something the researcher has not taken into account in anticipation, they must conform to the results instead of continuing on the path lead by their presumptions. The questionnaire was indeed thus constructed that almost all answers were unambiguous. As mentioned in the previous chapter, the question about the language tests received some ambiguous answers but that can be explained with the unfamiliarity of the issue for the participants. Additionally, I have explained the preset hypotheses that I had concerning the research topic and how that somewhat changed and somewhat persisted during the research process. In short, these increase the validity of the current study as well as the fact that two different means of collecting data was used.

Some weaknesses can be found when examining the current study. Firstly, as stated in section 2.4, universities of applied sciences enjoy great autonomy in organizing their education and, thus, the results of this study cannot necessarily be generalized to apply to all Finnish students in all Finnish universities of applied sciences studying in an ELTDP in nursing. Therefore, in order to get more generalizable results, the same study should be conducted with a wider sample. Correspondingly, the sample size itself was small, considering that only around 19 % of the assumed number of Finnish students studying in the said degree program answered the

questionnaire. While the sample size was smaller than desired and, thus, the results do not necessarily represent the cohort in whole, some clear answers were found and using interviews to deepen the questionnaire answers supported the relevance of this study.

While there are many aims and motivations that guide the Finnish students’ decision to study in an ELTDP in nursing, there seem to be few that are more common than others, these being closely linked to the English language and the perceived advantage that the ELTDP gives them in getting employed outside of Finland. As discussed before, the English language is very much present in the degree program but its quality and usefulness in developing their own language skills are raised as the issues hindering them from reaching communicative competence. The participants felt that the program helps them prepare for some parts of the commonly used language tests, but for others less. Notably, the language tests included in this study were fairly unknown for the participants, which makes it difficult for them to even know what language competence is expected from them to be able reach their goals of getting employed outside of Finland. Similarly, even though the participants reported to be happy with the multicultural environment of the degree program, there is a lack of sufficient, appropriate culture and social input in the education in relation to the aims of the participants. To be more specific, the multicultural environment is created by the international students, most of which do not come from the desired target countries of the Finnish students. The benefits of participating in an exchange program were acknowledged and some ways of making it more motivating were suggested, with main inhibiting factors being personal and economic reasons. Most student suggestions on how to support the development of their communicative competence had to do with teachers and their language skills and well as including a language teacher more in the teaching process, as well as more active conversation culture within the program. These suggestions, together with the suggestions I gathered from the existing theoretical framework, were discussed more thoroughly in the previous section.

In the future, it would be interesting to examine the same participants of this study to find out where they got employed and whether they experienced benefits from studying in an ELTDP in getting employed. It would also be interesting to find out, if they have had to take the introduced language tests, what was their success in them and if they needed to prepare for the tests outside of their degree program. In case some developing is done in the actual ELTDP according to the results of this study, it would be highly relevant to repeat this study to find out how the students’ views have changed. Another interesting research challenge would be to

include the international students in the ELTDPs in nursing to find out their views on the topic of this study.


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