• Ei tuloksia

Implications for further research

6 Target Setting in Fire Safety Policy

8.5 Implications for further research

In the end of the study it is logical to discuss ideas and possibilities for further study. Fire safety policy and fire deaths offered an empirical case through which to analyze ambiguity of performance management. However, this is just one policy area and the same questions and phenomenon could be studied in other policies as well. There are possibilities for further study for example in social and healthcare policy, education policy and so on.

In addition, public finance and public service production are facing challenges and there is a lot to be studied under these titles in the rescue services and other field of public service production in the future. The rescue services have organized functions and reallocate resources more effectively for the last decade. The municipal rescue services transformed from the municipal level to the regional level, but stayed in the sphere of responsibilities of the municipal self-government.

Finnish municipalities are undergoing an extensive reform in the coming years.

The local government reform and the New Municipality 2017 program support the development of new municipal structures. Municipal rescue services were organized in 22 rescue service regions in 2004. Kallio and Tolppi (2012, 126) have been studied this change before, in the middle and after seven years of the change. One of their latest research finding is that the rescue leaders examine the rescue operations, tasks and the level of service production as a coherent whole, not through administrative municipal

boundaries. According to them the available resources should be allocated according to the risks, not according to the municipal boundaries. Structural reforms like the new rescue service organization could be studied further while carrying through reforms such as the local government reform.

In the times of scarce public finance economic aspects are important areas to study in the field of security and safety studies. Maximizing safety and minimizing economy at the same time are difficult questions. At what level of risks people are then willing to live with, in return for freedom to act as we please and in return for a lower level of public expenditures? These could be interesting areas to study further.


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