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7.4 Implications for further research

The main finding of this thesis was the increased importance of data-driven integration between business units and procurement in category management. This is an unknown area in current research even though it has significant potential in practice. In this research area, this thesis has only “scratched the surface” by arguing that there is a clear need for increased data-driven integration in the case company and possibly modern companies in general. IT systems have developed greatly but their potential is not used to its fullest.

This thesis has focused on two forms of data-driven integration that were considered lack-ing: IT system integration and integrating data from multiple organizational units into analyses. At the moment, literature does not offer any taxonomies for different forms of data-driven integration in the context of procurement. Also, there is no research on how to achieve data-driven integration in a company.

The same problem is present in the integration literature in general (Pagell 2004). This thesis has been highly exploratory on the subject and more inductive and deductive re-search is needed. The rere-search on category management and data-driven business inte-gration is not mature, which requires inductive research. Deductive research can be con-ducted to confirm and contest the results of this thesis and possibly following research.

For example, there is no widely accepted definition for category management. Further research could also study the possibilities of data-driven business integration in procure-ment to a wider degree since the focus of this thesis is quite limited.

This thesis has contributed on other research areas than data-driven integration as well.

This thesis offers a practical model for defining category management. The proposed model does not conflict with the current definitions of category management but it does emphasize different aspects of the phenomenon. The proposed category management framework emphasizes the strategy process behind category management while the most elaborated definitions at the moment emphasize category formation. In this thesis, cate-gory formation is considered mainly a beginning for catecate-gory management. This shares similarities with the views of van Weele (2010) on category management. Interview re-sults also confirm the views of Tassabehji & Moorhouse (2008) on how procurement’s role changes in practice. Results of the statistical analysis also offer support for the sig-nificance of personal contact in business relationships, although, more research is needed to confirm these results. The hypothesis of personal contact and customer satisfaction having a relationship is interesting even though the statistical analysis did not confirm the existence of this relationship. Nevertheless, more qualitative research methods could of-fer interesting insight into this subject.


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