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Implications for future research

The possibilities to prevent depression by healthier dietary patterns or elevated intake of healthy foods and nutrients should be studied more extensively. Firstly, more well-designed, large, population-based prospective studies with long follow-up periods are warranted. In prospective designs, multiple exposure assessments throughout the follow-up period and evaluation of depression status both at baseline and during the follow-follow-up should be emphasized. Secondly, population-based RCTs in non-depressed or high-risk participants are warranted, as previous studies have mainly consisted of clinically depressed patients. However, the effects of diet on the prevention of recurrent depression should also be investigated, as there may be differences in the effects of diet between the first episode of depression and recurrent depression. Studies with stratified age groups and gender groups should be emphasized, as there may also be differences in the effects of diet depending on age or gender. Lifestyle factors, especially total energy intake and smoking,

should be more often taken into account as potential confounders. Moreover, RCTs investigating the differences in the effects of elevated intakes of nutrients from dietary sources compared to supplementation with nutrients are warranted. Finally, specific diet-related randomized interventions with interventions based on the changes in the overall dietary pattern are needed to form primary prevention strategies for depression. As depression is a systemic disease and diet may affect several pathways in the pathogenesis of depression, the mechanisms behind the possible predisposing or protecting effects of dietary factors require further investigations. Individual differences and genetic background behind the sensitivity to the effects of diet should especially be studied in more detail.


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