• Ei tuloksia

The study has some important implications. Firstly, this study strengthened previous knowledge on fatigue as a debilitating symptom that limits older


people’s physical activity participation. The findings show that it may be more meaningful to assess fatigue anchored to daily activities, as this may provide a better, and possibly earlier, view on how fatigue may limit activities of daily living. Furthermore, the associations found between short self-reported sleep and unmet physical activity need highlight the importance of taking potential sleep difficulties into account when developing interventions aiming at promoting physical activity among older people. Older people experiencing unmet physical activity need form an important target group for physical activity interventions, since they are already motivated to increase their physical activity but need support to be able to achieve this goal.

This dissertation generated hypotheses for investigation in future studies.

For instance, the present findings were largely based on cross-sectional associations, and therefore the causality of the associations cannot be determined.

Future studies focusing on unmet physical activity need could further focus on how higher physical fatigability and shorter sleep duration may predict unmet physical activity need over time. In addition, future studies should further target the consequences of unmet physical activity need. The harmful consequences of unmet basic needs have been addressed in previous studies in relation to income and housing (Blazer, Sachs-Ericsson & Hybels 2005, Sachs-Ericsson, Schatschneider & Blazer 2006; Blazer, Sachs-Ericsson & Hybels 2007). The findings of this study could also be utilized when planning interventions aiming to promote equal opportunities for physical activity participation in old age.

Furthermore, as shown in this study, activity fragmentation may be a more meaningful measure of physical activity among older people than total activity minutes when targeting health-related outcomes. Although the posture-based activity fragmentation measure appears promising, the differences between the two activity fragmentation measures merit study in the future. In addition, while higher activity fragmentation seems to be associated with several adverse health outcomes, the effect of short activity bouts in breaking up sedentary time has been shown to be beneficial in several studies (Diaz et al. 2017). Comparing these two aspects of activity bouts could provide valuable additional information on physical behavior in old age. In addition, due to the methodological challenges presented by measuring mental fatigability, future studies should further develop measures that can accurately assess mental fatigability among older people.


1. More fragmented physical activity patterns may be associated with higher physical fatigability and poorer sleep characteristics beyond total physical activity volume.

2. Poorer sleep characteristics and higher physical fatigability showed cross-sectional associations with unmet physical activity need.

3. The association between higher fatigue and unmet physical activity appears to be reciprocal and to be explained by poorer health, poorer physical function, and or lower physical activity levels.

4. Lower levels of physical activity and reduced physical activity and neighborhood mobility predict the development of unmet physical activity need in old age.




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