• Ei tuloksia

There are several implications of the results of this study for clinical practice.

First, psychosocial interventions for war-affected children should be more clearly planned to maintain and promote positive relations because they can control excessive worries, loneliness, and anxiety.

Second, natural recovery aspects should thus be combined in psychosocial interventions for war war-affected children as they seek safety and warmth in life threat conditions.

Third, research emphasizes that social unity and ideological values are likely to protect children’s mental health (Baker et al., 1999; Barber, 2001; Punamäki, 1996). Therefore, the focus should be shifted towards strengthening social resources surrounding children.

Fourth, research findings reveal empowerment of children in the shape of improved knowledge, active involvement, and integration in the community, can in fact be protective (Barber, 2001; Loughry et al., 2006; Qouta, Punamäki, & El-Sarraj, 2008). Accordingly, such programming should be a priority in designing and implementing intervention protocols.

Fifth, considering resilience factors should be merged into future programs as abundant studies on psychosocial interventions among war-affected children have focused only on symptom reduction as results for success (Persson & Rousseau, 2009; Jordans et al., 2009) but, not on resilience factors.

Sixth, there is a need for adapting comprehensive and effective intervention through practically integrating concrete situations of human rights, protection, and justice with psychological and social facets of recovery, resistance, and resilience.

Seventh, programmes for facilitating children’s recovery should shift their emphasis more towards the ecosystems of the military conflict by extending from individual functioning towards strengthening political, cultural, social, and economic resources.

As far as future research, programme evaluations should be specific in the definition and dimensions of resilience, because there are many characteristics of positive development and interventions might influence only some of them. It is crucial to identify which parts are not possible to target in group- and individual intervention programs. Similarly, research focus should be on intervention studies that use increased resilience as an effectiveness measure Further, longitudinal studies are needed to provide information on the role of ER in mental health changes when the war horrors attenuate. Moreover, research focus should incorporate more qualitative aspects of interventions in order to understand deeply the impact of intervention programs on different aspects of children’s mental health and resilience. Lastly, multiple sources of information in the child’s setting can provide a more comprehensive picture about the problems encountered by children and ways to help them cope and become resilient such informants can be parents, teachers and peers and siblings.


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