• Ei tuloksia

This Thesis research topic was not studied earlier, the so the results can create a lot of ideas for further research. Research results might be used for a further research in the same market area, when the focus of the future study could be more in financial approach. In this research there was not many actual financial elements involved, e.g. suggestions for new price models for the EMS in Vietnam would be an interesting and useful research topic.

Another idea for a further research based on this research could be a larger study including comparison on different locally used EMSs in Vietnam, or for example study in a wider area of the topic in South-East Asia. Also a deeper analysis of adaptation and localization to local markets with EMS’ in Vietnamese or South-East Asian markets would be very interesting and useful.

South-East Asia could be an interesting area for a research because of its rather rapid development and increasing amounts of people reaching higher income levels, which leads to bigger consumption levels and burden to environment.

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Attachment 1. Semi-structured interview questions. Individual semi-structured/qualitative structured face-to-face/e-mail interview questions from October 2012.


Date of answer:

Name of the organization:

Core business/activity of organization:

Number of employees:

Name and Title/position in the organization of the interviewee:


GO = WWF’s Green Office Programme

Organization = A company or other organization within GO EMS = Environmental Management System


1. How would you describe the WWF brand (logo) recognition in Vietnam?

(Describe your own feeling briefly below)

2. How would you describe the Green Office brand (logo) recognition in Vietnam? (Describe your own feeling briefly below)

3. How did you first discovered Green Office? (Describe the media/situation/person briefly)

4. Are you familiar with the GO internet based “webtools”

- Green Office Habits Survey (Consumer Habit Questionnaire)? Choose:


- Compass? Choose: Yes/No

- Climate Calculator? Choose: Yes/No If Yes:

4.1. How would you describe the usability of the tools?

4.2. How would you describe the usefulness of the tools?


5. Why your organization originally got interested in joining Green Office (GO) programme? (Please describe the reasons with a few short sentences)

6. Why your organization did finally join GO programme? (Please define the main reason(s) briefly)

7. How long has your organization been within GO programme?

(7.1 What was the main reason for your organization to resign from GO?)

8. How would you describe benefits for your organization from GO programme? (Please define the main benefit(s)

9. How would you describe disadvantages for your organization from GO programme?

10. What is easy in running the GO programme? (Please list main points) 11. What is challenging in running the GO programme? (Please list main points)

12. How would you improve the GO programme, If there is something you could change with it? (Please describe with a few sentences)


13. How would you describe the employee motivation towards environmental issues after joining the GO programme?

13.1. How would you describe employee devotion for GO programme actions?

13.2 How would you describe general employee satisfaction at your organization after joining GO programme?

14. How do you find the WWF’s GO personal consultation?

14.1 Do you find consultation necessary, or do you think

organization’s “Green Team” could crate EMS with the help of WWF’s EMS template only?


15. How do you find the GO fee amount that organization pays?

16. Has your organization got financial benefits from GO programme? (e.g.

Savings in electricity bills)


17. How has the image of your organization brand changed after joining GO programme?

18. Are there any other benefits from GO programme?


19. How would you describe the main environmental problems in Vietnam?

(Please list a few main problems)

20. In your opinion, do you think organizations can affect the state of environment through actions? If so, how?

21. Has your organization got benefits through material savings from GO-programme? (e.g. Less consumption of paper)

GO EMS in Vietnam is based on four main criteria and EMS must include: Managing Environmental programme; Reduction in energy consumption; Efficient use of

materials; Sustainable transportation.

22. What are the main focal points within your organization’s GO Environmental Management System? (Please list below)

23. How would you describe your organization’s “Green Actions”? (Please list below briefly)

24. What are the Green Office indicators (reportable targets) of your organization? (Please list below)

Thank you! Cảm ơn!