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4.1 Viewpoint and mission of education

4.1.1 Heavy emphasis on the development of transversal

What stands out first from the analysis is the diversity in lexical word usage of two national curricula. Specifically, Finnish educational providers coined the transversal general knowledge and ability as an entity comprised of values, knowledge, skills, attitudes, and will whereas năng lực [capacity] and phẩm chất [personal qualities] of learners are essential elements of what Vietnamese experts named for the same concept. Both countries, nevertheless, pay attention to strengthening and raising this crucial multifaceted set of knowledge and skills for all learners

in a comprehensive way, preparing them to become not only competent human beings but effective citizens also.

The mission of general upper secondary education is unambiguously defined by FBNE (2016) as to strengthen students’ transversal general knowledge and ability (p. 12). In order to achieve this mission, Finnish curriculum requires educators to fulfill these underlying values in education. The foremost value is that schools should be a meaningful, goal-oriented and learner-centered learning environment to reflect on and resemble the society and culture so that students can come to learn, practice encountering with the tensions between the publicly expressed values and the reality and enhance both intelligences and competencies:

The underlying values of the National Core Curriculum for General Upper Secondary Schools are built on the Finnish tradition of education, knowledge and ability (Bildung), in which studying and learning are deemed to regenerate the society and culture.

Upper secondary school education develops competence on values by dealing with the tensions between the publicly expressed values and the reality.

(FNBE, 2016, p. 12)

Secondly, school is the place to empower a diversity of capabilities of individuals to make decisions for daily realistic circumstances on the basis of 1) their knowledge and experience; 2) their skills and willingness to deal with realistic conflicts; and 3) their loving-kindness cares for others in their life-long journey of pursuing of truth, humaneness, and justice for themselves and for the world:

General knowledge and ability mean that individuals and communities are capable of making decisions with the help of ethical reflection, putting themselves in the place of another person, and consideration based on knowledge;

General knowledge and ability include the skill and willingness to address the conflicts between human endeavours and the prevalent reality ethically, compassionately and by searching for solutions;

General knowledge and ability merge as caring for others, being open-minded, perceiving the reality comprehensively, and being committed to activities for creating positive changes.

The educational ideal of the upper secondary school comprises the pursuit of truth, humaneness, and justice.

(FNBE, 2016, p. 12)

Thirdly, school should be the place where transversal general knowledge and ability is taken for granted as a talented privilege that some may happily possess whilst others lament over lacking for. Rather, it requires understanding that these multifaceted competences are the result of each student’s interdependent, active and continuous communication and interactions with the society and the world:

General upper secondary education guides the student in understanding the complex interdependencies prevalent in life and the world as well as in analysing extensive phenomena.

(FNBE, 2016, p. 12)

Lastly, the most fundamental value of education is reached when students are able to both manage their life issues initiatively, creatively and persistently and feel empathetic towards as well as offer assistances to needs of other members in their narrow surrounding community. More importantly, they can grow matured in pursuing the fundamental pillar of “learning to live together” of UNESCO (n.d.) in self-elevating into responsible, communal and helpful members of the inclusive society, concerning about and taking care of sustainable developments of the humanity and biodiversity apart from chasing after individual successes:

In upper secondary school, students are encouraged to feel empathy for and take care of one another. Creativity, initiative, honesty, and persistence are valued.

The student understands the significance of his or her own actions and global responsibility in the sustainable use of natural resources, mitigation of climate change, and preservation of biodiversity. Upper secondary school education encourages the student to participate in international collaboration and to assume global citizenship in line with UN goals for sustainable development.

(FNBE, 2016, p. 13)

Despite not having been intricately explained in the Vietnamese core curriculum, the ideology of transversal general knowledge and ability unambiguously existed and received sufficient focuses from educational providers and the government.

Transversal competences, however, exhibit themselves in the compound form of capacity and personal qualities and described in the resolution of the Central Steering Committee of Communist Party of Vietnam in 2013 as an essential goal of the educational reform in the new era. This implies that an adequately

designed and endorsed educational program must be constructed taking account of students’ well-being, unique personalities and multifaceted potentials, including both talents and skills:

Đổi mới chương trình giáo dục phổ thông nhằm phát triển năng lực và phẩm chất, hài hòa đức, tri ́, thể, mỹ của học sinh.

[Changes in education programs aim to raise the capacity and personal qualities of learner in every aspect]

(MOET, 2014, p. 1)

Even though Vietnamese core curriculum did not ever mention directly the supreme goal of education is to develop learners to be a knowledgeable and skillful human being as well as an effective citizen, transversal general knowledge and ability are yet positioned as the crucial backbone of pedagogy and the termination of education (Central Steering Committee of Communist Party of Vietnam, 2013; Pham, 2009). It is to strategically help students promote their own source of personality, ethics, lifestyle, awareness, fundamental values of culture, traditional customs human culture, core values and humanity. Thanks to these values, students will be able to self-achieve the utmost universal values of truth, beauty and goodness and being productive and helpful world citizens who can devote their life to the communal and collective benefits:

Chú trọng giáo dục nhân cách, đạo đức, lối sống, văn hoá pháp luật và ý thức công dân, tập trung vào những giá trị cơ bản của văn hoá, truyền thống và đạo lý dân tộc, tinh hoa văn hoá nhân loại, giá trị cốt lõi và nhân văn của chủ nghĩa Mác-Lênin và tư tưởng Hồ Chí Minh, (tăng cường) kiến thức quốc phòng, an ninh và giáo dục thể chất (hướng nghiệp).

[Focus on education about personality, ethics, lifestyle, law, and citizen’s awareness. Focus on fundamental values of culture, traditional customs and morality, human culture, core values and humanity in Marxism and Ho Chi Minh’s ideology. Enhance physical education, provision of knowledge about national defense and security, and career guidance]

(MOET, 2014, p. 1)

The large amount of attention was paid in the viewpoint and mission (also underlying values) of education to the growth of students’ transversal competences or students’ năng lực and phẩm chất can be interpreted as the reflection of the idea of phenomenon-based learning. In the perspective of phenomenon-based learning, the major aim of education is to help students improve proper

understandings about the real-life phenomena of the world and sharpen their multifaceted competences, which will then facilitate their future studies and professions (Dabell, 2016; Silander, 2015a; Silander, 2015b; Symeonidis &

Schwarz, 2016).

Certain differences in the word choice and the manner of description for one shared goal between two nations was evident. Finland explicitly labelled the interconnect and interdependent capabilities of taking care of oneself and concerning about problems of other people in the society, and being audacious to think originally and taking actions for the sake of a better future life. This interpretation, literally, slightly different from that of Vietnam which identified transversal competences of students as a constellation of righteous, skillful and personalized capacities and qualities that can embrace not only ten multifaceted socio-emotional skills but also several considerable ethical values (which will be discussed in the section of learning goals and objectives). The totality of the situation, nonetheless, requires understanding that there is a consensus between Finland and Vietnam in underscoring the reinforcement and enhancement of transversal general knowledge and ability or capacity and qualities of students as the essence of the mission and viewpoint of high school education. In that sense, both Finnish and Vietnamese core curriculum seem to reflect the goal of development of multifaceted competences of phenomenon-based learning nicely (Ikonen, 2017; Kauppinen, 2016; Kauppinen, 2017; Khanh Nguyen, 2017;

Nguyen, 2017; Parviainen, 2017; Thao Nguyen, 2017; Thuy Linh, 2017; Vitikka, 2016).