• Ei tuloksia


In document Dissertationes Forestales 106 (sivua 116-131)

A general objective of this study on the development of the management and cost accounting of wood harvesting in the Republic of Karelia, was to analyse changes in the cost accounting systems, describe and discuss this changes in management system, that occurred during the transformation of the economic structures from the Soviet period up to the present market economy. Another objective was to study the theory and practice of cost accounting as it was applied to wood harvesting during the same period of transformation. Through these objectives the aim was to provide the background necessary to allow an assessment of possible ways of increasing the profitability of Russian logging, through the development of progressive management and with improved methods of cost accounting and cost management for harvesting.

The following general conclusions can be drawn from this study.

1) Wood harvesting in the Republic of Karelia has had a long history of development and the constant demand for commercial roundwood from domestic and foreign markets has continued up to the present. A domestic market orientation has dominated the trade in roundwood for quite a long time, however, roundwood exports gradually increased and with them the share of cut-to-length (CTL) technology used. Karelia’s geographical location and the accessibility in the region to productive forest resources that need silvicultural cuttings, have been important to the development of CTL harvesting.

Application of Nordic CTL methods has been very important during the development of the market economy in the Russian forest sector. The relative share of Russian wood harvesting machinery used in Karelia has been significantly declining over the last few years. The demand for domestic machines has declined to such a level that their production has drastically decreased. Thus from an economic point-of-view, development of new Russian machinery for wood harvesting is possible only under such conditions that they compete well with available Nordic machinery. There will however, be a need for the development of a domestic market between the large or middle-sized logging companies for the resale of used Nordic machinery, but this is not expected soon. For the development of such a resale market, it is necessary to make an economic analysis of the cost-effectiveness it would have on harvesting.

2) The status of the traditional lower landing has been transformed, along with the traditional Soviet term for it; a lower landing “nizniy sklad” has been changed to a stock market “birgza.” It is has been necessary for those logging companies using the TL method to reconsider the status of the lower landing by updating the terminal area. Total abolishment of the lower landing to decrease costs is impossible for two reasons: the first is to maintain female employment in forestry settlements, while the second is to aid in the timely detection and removal of logs with heart rot.

3) The Soviet theory and method of normative cost accounting has, as such, been a representative approach in the sphere of the application and development of the standard cost accounting for wood harvesting. It has remained,although as updated in principle in the same form, through the transition to the market economy. This normative method for cost-price accounting can be seen also as a Soviet/ Russian model of direct-costing, and can be used as basis to develop new normative in future. In principle, it presents a standard form of costing, which is commonly used in process costing when masses of identical or similar units of output are produced (Bhimani et al. 2008). This normative system of direct-costing that was used earlier as a strategy to control costs, is now applied by Russian logging companies for management accounting, to make day-to-day decisions, in the same way it is usually used in the West. As was concluded earlier, here is no fundamental structural difference in the definition of the concept of wood harvesting costs between Russian and Nordic methods, since in both cases this concept implies cost centres along the supply chain and the sum of fixed and variable costs. There are, however, some dissimilar features to the Russian and the Nordic methods of cost calculation. For example, the Nordic method accounts for commercial risk and for insurance of mechanical equipment. The potential of cost management accounting should also be explored and utilized. The correct calculation of a unit machinery cost and of a machinery exchange value are some examples of cost accounting and cost management development.

4) Soviet/Russian cost calculation norms for harvesting equipment were developed for domestically produced machinery designed for tree length (TL) harvesting. These domestic norms were created and have developed over time only for the normal machinery service time (srok sluzby). Under Russian conditions, a theoretical, economically efficient, normal service time for domestic machinery was considered to be about 5 years. In practice, especially during the period from 1992-2007, the real service time for domestic machinery has been more than two or three times longer than the theoretical one. In this

“extra long-term” use of domestic machines the theoretical domestic norms that were developed for this equipment cannot be considered to be adequate. According to an earlier report by Rantapuu (1999), the cumulative working shift productivity for this extra long-term use of domestic machinery is in reality less than two times the norm. If the profitability of logging is to be increased, it would then be necessary to take this into account in real applications and also develop an updated domestic normative data base for logging work.

5) The system and structure of management for wood harvesting that has been used during many decades has influenced the profitability of logging companies. Some elements from the Soviet economy have remained up to the present, for example the Joint Stock Company (JSC) “Karellesprom” still has the position as a coordinating element for harvesting in the region. However, in cuttings areas a new form of organisation for logging work can also be seen. In 2006, a 24-hour work period was made the standard for cutting areas; this replaced the 7-hour standard that had been in place for 50 years. The productivity of Nordic machines can be improved by increasing the duration of a working shift. A 10-hour shift is recommended as the optimal duration to apply to Nordic machines.

There is also a growing interest in the quality and efficiency of production among machine operators. This is related to a shift in the organisation, to small efficient harvesting teams.

Another specific practical recommendation for improving management is that the transportation costs for roundwood be calculated (using software) for each 10 km of distance. Correct delegation of power, choosing the right objectives, and teamwork is necessary for the further development of wood harvesting. Continuing the development of a more effective model of management for wood harvesting is a necessary prerequisite for progress, in addition claims that nepotism is present in management require some concern.

Increasing the profitability of wood harvesting is the current crucial economic task for the forest sector of Russia.

In future studies, the costs accounting could be understood as a part of management accounting and thus as a tool for the better controlling of costs by the management.

Parallel with studying management accounting in practise could be also be a further revisions of the details of the normatives related to the major cutting area and other harvesting operations in the Russian Federation.


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In document Dissertationes Forestales 106 (sivua 116-131)