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Several extensions to the considered architectures are possible in oder to solve the follow-ing problems: abscence of significant amount of the data samples, independent patchwise processing and development of an architecture which could be used for segmentation of the blood vessels, optic disc, macula and lesions.

Collecting the data from the patients is a difficult, expensive and time consuming process which requires proper imaging setup and educated medical staff. Thus, it would be ben-eficial to develop a generative model which can be used to produce more data from the existing dataset taking into account provided ground truth data.

Recently a lot of papers about adversarial architectures have been published [61] which typically consist of a generator and a discriminator. The generator tries to learn the data distribution, whereas the discriminator is used to estimate the probability that the sample came from the training set and not from the generator. The particular interesting type of the architecture is a conditional generative adversarial network [62], where both the generator and discriminator can be conditioned on the ground truth data, e.g., label maps with lesions, blood vessels, optic disc and macula.

Another approach to deep generative modeling is based on the generative version of AEs namely variational autoencoders [63] which learns conditional distributions of the data given its hidden representation and the hidden representation given the data. Variational autoencoders also have the conditional version [64] which gives all the advantages of semi-supervised learning and cross-modality learning. Since conditional variational au-toencoders can be also described in terms of encoders and decoders, it can be naturally included in the architectures considered in this thesis.

The segmentation of large images requires a huge amount of computational resources, and the simplest solution is a patchwise processing which may introduce checkerboard arte-facts in the segmentation results. Another problem arises from the independent processing of the patches: the segmentation result obtained in adjacent patches might be included as prior information for the current patch segmentation. This problem can be solved using modern deep recurrent visual attention mechanisms [65]. It has been also shown that visual attention mechanisms can be utilized in order to better analyze the objects with different scales [66], and, consequently, it may help to build one architecture which can be used to segment all interesting objects in the images including low scale lesions.

All considered improvements may help to build more powerful deep learning systems and to solve all the mentioned problem, but in case of DiaRetDB2 dataset the main problem is the ground truth data for the vessels. In order to make further research more productive and less misleading, the vessels markings should be refined.


In this work, the four different architectures for retinal blood vessel segmentation have been implemented and tested. The considered architectures are SegNet and three adap-tations of SegNet with dimensionality reduction layers. It was shown that the utilization of the dimensionality reduction layers did not lead to any significant improvements in the performance, and it increases the amount of training time.

The comparison of segmentation results for the RGB and hyperspectral images is given.

The utilization of the spectral provided minor improvements in the blood vessel segmenta-tion results compare to the RGB images. But in the case of RGB images, both the training and inference can be performed faster.

The experiments with MC dropout and the uncertainty estimation were carried out. MC dropout moderately improved the performance of the networks when it was used with DR layers, and it allows to estimate the uncertainty of the activations. The produced uncer-tainty maps were similar to the images representing missclassified pixels.


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