• Ei tuloksia

The work introduced in this dissertation provides a basis for future work studying collaborative wayfinding in VEs. The collaborative aspects of wayfinding have been studied relatively little, and modern technology provides the means for developing the understanding of this phenomena with further experiments. The added fidelity and immersion in VEs supports these studies by making the environment more realistic, thus improving the user’s experience with the application. By using iODVs as content and HMDs as devices in VEs, the researchers can provide the user with a highly immersive system that is relatively cheap to produce. HMDs also allow better mobility. By adding walkable VEs, for example, the researchers can add the use of motor and vestibular systems to these experiments.

CityCompass VR is still under development and has a large potential for conducting studies in different contexts. All the applications presented in this dissertation have been studied in the educational context, and the results reported are encouraging for further researchers. The applications still have much room for improvement, and spatial audio, for instance, could be added to all versions. One could also implement other sensory stimulations in them. For example, one might study the effects of olfactory stimuli or the effects of artificial wind on wayfinding performance.

All these applications could also be used in several domains of research, including education and language learning. CityCompass has already been integrated into a learning laboratory as a language learning module. As the content in all three applications is flexible, the context in these applications can be shifted easily, for example, for learning biology, history, or art.




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