• Ei tuloksia

As an aim for the future in order to improve performance more might be considered processing of bigger amount of images for learning. Such action may be extremely helpful if these extra images will be difficult to segment, as an example, images with grass or those where a seal was segmented not accurately. This aim is achievable because the Saimaa ringed seal dataset contains more images than what was used for the current work.

The main drawback is that this approach demands a lot of manual work, which is time-consuming.

Besides, this thesis does not incorporate any investigation on modification CNN layers.

Undoubtedly, better adoption of the network structure to the current need may have a positive effect on the overall accuracy. Possibly, there are or will be soon introduced more suitable state-of-the-art algorithms and solutions for image processing, which could help to improve the result achieved described in this work.

One more aspect to be solved in the future is an integration of the proposed solution into the re-identification framework. It is expected to bring better accuracy in matching indi-viduals as well as cutting down the time spent on computations performing. In addition, as Saimaa ringed seals are not the only animals with such fur structure it seems reasonable to try to apply the proposed method onto other species. It first can be tested on some other kinds of seal and if it works in the same way then it probably might work with something like leopards or giraffes.


In this thesis, the fur pattern extraction task in the area of animal biometrics was consid-ered. Also, the review of connected topics and approaches was made to find the ideas and direction for the development of the pattern extractor. Comparison, combination, and im-provement of state-of-the-art approaches such as UNet and DeepLab were made in order to perform the task.

The proposed algorithm includes three stages: preprocessing, segmentation, postprocess-ing. Preprocessing incorporates two main ideas: removing of undesired regions and high-lighting the target object. These ideas were realized by the application of scaling and rearranging of intensity. Segmentation is served by the CNN based on the UNet architec-ture. It takes in an image of a seal segmented from the background and produces a binary mask of the pattern is represented in black and the rest is white. Finally, color inversion and one more cropping stage represent a postprocessing stage.

It has been shown that the proposed method outperforms previously used the Sato filter-based method. The accuracy that was estimated by the Sørensen–Dice coefficient in-creased by 139% and by 192% for the Jaccard index. Estimation was held on ten difficult to segment images that contain either grass, complicated luminance distribution, or low quality of the image. Finally, this method speeds up the extraction phase by 37% due to the neural network-based architecture.


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