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The findings regarding the morphological changes in the cortex during the AD continuum at the group level seem quite uniform across the research field despite some minor inconsistensies. Similarly, the correlation between structural changes in MRI and the clinical decline has strong support based on the studies in this thesis and the existing literature.

The effects of education on the brain/cognitive reserve require further validation in larger study samples, preferably with more multifaceted data on how an individual has exercised his/her brains cognitively later in the life.

Several important issues remain to be resolved considering the use of MRI based biomarkers in the clinical environment. Although single-subject level information about the predictive power of different MRI features now exists, most of the classification techniques are “black boxes” that provide only the classification results without any clinically usable cut-off values or decision rules. Such cut-off values would be useful when comparing the results from different studies as well as when creating standardization protocols for different MRI equipment and imaging parameters. One of the key questions in the future will be how well the imaging markers developed in the large research cohorts, such as the ADNI and the AddNeuroMed, will perform when tested especially in population-based cohorts with even more heterogeneous MCI samples with various background pathologies which were excluded in these multi-site databases. It is also questionable if the prediction accuracy of MCI to AD conversion (about 65-70 % in the current thesis and recent literature) is high enough to be usable in the clinical decision making, especially as it is possible that the accuracy might decrease when applying these imaging markers outside the strictly defined research cohorts.


This thesis focused on structural brain imaging and the use of automated MRI analysis methods in the early diagnostics of AD. Based on the results, the following conclusions are made:

1. CTH is decreased in almost all brain areas excluding the sensomotoric and visual cortices in AD as compared to healthy aging

2. Those individuals who later progress to AD demonstrate cortical thinning in temporal, parietal and frontal cortices already at the time of mild cognitive impairment, several years before the AD diagnosis. The profile of this thinning resembles closely the pattern characteristic of the changes seen in AD

3. The cognitive decline and the progression of the clinical symptoms in MCI and AD are associated with cortical thinning in the brain regions typically altered in AD

4. Education may act as a protective factor against AD by providing both structural reserve as well as compensatory mechanisms which help the individual to remain cognitively intact even though there has been brain damage inflicted by the disease

5. Structural MRI analysis with automated methods can be used at the individual level to separate the healthy elderly from AD patients with an accuracy of about 89%. The future progression from MCI to AD during follow-up can be predicted with an accuracy of about 68%


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