• Ei tuloksia


A good amount of future research opportunities arises from the limitations of this work. The pool of participants was small so future research should be done on a bigger scale and possibly in nursing homes that are located in different parts of Finland to give results that could be more generalized inside Finland.

As existing tele-visit or video-call solutions that are not often used exist in nursing homes, a research on why they are not being used would give insight on the factors that have to be taken into account when trying to make tele-visits part of the normal communication between elderly people living in nursing homes and their family or friends.

Research on the solution design should be done further in the shape of testing and piloting different solution design pieces to pursue an even better suiting solution design that all parties (nursing home staff, elderly people and their family members) would enjoy using even more. The number of different products available for the solution design is massive and it will need intensive work to evaluate the possibilities and test them in real environments.

From software development angle there are many future research possibil-ities on behalf of trying to figure out what is the easiest to use UI design and how the scheduling of times could be done even easier for the family members.

There is a reason to believe that the low usage of tele-visits or video-calls in nursing home environments is not because of the solution just not fitting to the age group and environment. A research on what are the differences in suc-cess between cases when the implementation and change management is done in different ways could open insights that are uncovered.


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