• Ei tuloksia

3. Literature Review

6.3 Future research suggestions

This research gives a primary suggestion for the future study, in terms of prosumers and accommodating the scenario on a greater, global scale. The prosumers scenario is flexible enough to be implemented in different regions around the world with or without additional adjustments.

Moreover, sustainable energy generation technology requires additional improvement to address its cost-effectiveness, as well as new concepts of sustainable energy production. This can be in terms of new ideas of solar photovoltaics, wind turbines, biomass energy systems or new technology generating green energy with no emissions of CO2.

The idea of green housing consisting of self-sufficient households could be investigated further. That can be in terms of new, green developments of households, construction gap or urban planning. The area of green building or sustainable construction has an enormous potential to be further researched.

Another important research gap to study are concepts of new technologies which could revolutionize energy market and change it into fossil-fuel free and carbon neutral

market in upcoming years. A study is needed to prepare the infrastructure, investment and environmental plans for upcoming change.

Additionally, it will be reasonable to investigate more thoroughly the market and strategic opportunities for energy companies in Finland. Especially, the effects of the prosumers’ scenario in different areas of companies' operations. To add to that, it is necessary for other business areas, such other industries like paper and pulp industry in Finland which are energy-intensive industries.


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Attachment 1

Questionare for Master Thesis Research

Prosumers role in a shift in the energy industry in Finland

A survey is made for Master thesis research purposes. Its aim is to find out how society and energy companies are open for the opportunity to live in self-sufficient units - households who produce their own energy. In those units, demand and supply of energy are balanced as the house is powered with energy generated by renewables, including solar photovoltaics, wind turbines or biomass powered generators. A sustainable home is healthy for its residents, neutral for the natural environment, comfortable to live in for family and equipped with energy-efficient appliances.

Your participation in this online interview is completely voluntary and you may opt-out of any question in the questionnaire. All of your responses will be kept confidential.

They will only be used for research purposes. The completion of the questionnaire should not take more than 20 minutes of your time.

The possible introduction of prosumers (producers and consumes) into Finnish energy market could help achieve governmental goals on environment. What is a possibility of decentralization of the market? Please answer below.

1. Do you, as a company, agree that actions must be taken to minimize CO2

4. Does the current situation of energy infrastructure in Finland allow to introduce the scenario of self-sufficient units / decentralized energy supply?

5. What opportunities there are for the creation of sustainable and self-efficient homes?

6. Was that scenario analyzed or discussed by your company?

7. Do you think that if there would be a financial aid from the Finnish government (tax return, grant, etc.) to turn a household into the self-sufficient unit would it be more appealing to customers?

8. How do operations of energy companies influence prosumers and how the cooperation between them could look like in the future?

9. Any additional comments, suggestions?

To participate, please click on the following link:
