• Ei tuloksia

Future research suggestions

The digital service firm internationalization as phenomenon poses several oppor-tunities for future research. Furthermore, the concept can be described as com-plex and multifaceted and not the least contemporary. Therefore, the existing re-search is still limited and especially, lacks rigor beginning from the terminology.

With more research focusing on the phenomena common definitions and a more comprehensive understanding could be found. Therefore, all research on the dig-ital service firm internationalization can be seen as beneficial as the outcomes can enlarge the understanding of the phenomenon as whole. Moreover, as the result of this study shows, the current literature does not seem to provide a theory that fully explains the foreign expansion of a firm with a modern business model.

Therefore, future research could aim to building theories which take into notice the idiosyncrasies of the digital business models.

Furthermore, as the Finnish economy is driven by the service sector and both due to the high level of technological adoption and knowledge new oppor-tunities are somewhat endless, it would be important to further study Finnish digital service firms aiming to foreign markets.

In addition, as the focus of this study was not on industry specific factors one possibility for future research could be to unravel whether or not the industry of the company has an influence on the internationalization process of a digital service firm and how the possible differences emerge. Moreover, another ble viewpoint could be to focus on the nature of the service offered and its possi-ble influences on the foreign expansion process, since some variations did occur in this study relating on the characteristics of the offering in question.

As mentioned earlier in this paper, the acquisition of a user-net-work was seen as an essential step for the success of a digital service firm in off-shore markets. By conducting a study focusing both on factors advancing and potential barriers of user adoption could be beneficial both practically and theo-retically.


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