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5.5   Future research

5.5 Future research

The issue undertaken in this study is topical and timely. More empirical studies should therefore be devoted to elucidating the nature of customer engagement (Jahn and Kunz 2012; Brodie et al. 2011), and different types of brand communities should be investigated to identify similar engagement behaviors or engagement behavior dimensions (Gummerus et al. 2012). Several possible directions for future research arose during the study. The limitations of this work are primarily study related to context given its concentration on only one brand community in a particular industry.

The model used in this research should be evaluated and tested in other communities, industries, cultures, and contexts. This study can also be expanded by comparing several communities in the same industry or comparing the communities of the different brands owned by the same corporation. A relevant and rewarding endeavor may be to combine quantitative and qualitative methods in studying customer brand engagement or (for example) the relationship between customer brand engagement and SOW. In this study, only one moderating effect was used. In future research, different moderating effects should be explored and evaluated to determine potential new moderating items that affect the relationship between customer brand engagement and SOW. Future studies should also investigate different motivational drivers of engagement. Although the drivers chosen for this study are principal drivers that have emerged from early engagement studies, a few

studies include other possible engagement drivers, such as empowerment (Men and Tsai 2013). A final recommendation for future study is to expand this work by adding data from Facebook’s own analytic system and comparing these with our results. Facebook produces numerous data on customer behavior on the site; researchers can develop an algorithm for measuring engagement.


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