• Ei tuloksia

Firstly, the increasing amount of data and information highlights the importance of information management in maintenance. Intelligent equipment and IoT make data collection easy, but the issue is how to use the data and with whom to share it. There are many players involved in maintenance. For example, more research is needed to widen the investigation to find out clients and third-party equipment suppliers’ needs in sharing data. Data sharing has a positive influence on maintenance costs and quality, but so far research has not focused on the win-win situation in sharing data in maintenance environment.

Secondly, the concept “sharing ecosystem” needs research. In practice it means that companies share risks and revenues, but how to do it is the problem. In order to start a

“sharing ecosystem”, companies must first start to share the information needed. In academic research data sharing is done with the Open Data view, public data is shared to achieve transparency and public benefits. Academic research about the “sharing ecosystem” in maintenance information management has not so far been done properly.

Thirdly, research about joint platforms in information management in the maintenance ecosystem is missing. A new research area would be to coordinate subcontractors and clients to create a new solution or a pilot to define new rules and a platform to share data.

Standardized ways of action in information sharing are needed in the maintenance ecosystem.

Finally, research is needed to investigate the root causes to solve the problems found in this research and to create new methods to develop collaboration and data sharing rules in the maintenance ecosystem. Industry 4.0 and Maintenance 4.0 may offer some solutions to these problems in the future. However, Industry 4.0 and Maintenance 4.0 need to be investigated in the future as well.


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