• Ei tuloksia

Load management remains as one of the biggest subject of studies in northern district heating systems. How it is possible to answer to the fluctuating needs sustainably? Usage of fossil fuels is wanted to reduce, there will be increasing competition from renewable fuels, and also as DSM isn't the ultimate solution to cover all of the fluctuating demands, new solutions are needed. Synergies between heat and electricity markets could be exploited, but electricity systems have their own fluctuations and challenges in efficient storage technologies too. All in all, the different energy networks should be studied as a whole and synergies are needed to gain the most optimal and the least polluting way of operating.

In normal operating situations solutions like DSM or heat accumulators can replace the usage of peak load units already in short-term, but during disturbances other solutions like seasonal thermal storages or co-operation between heating producers is needed. Seasonal thermal storages and DSM together are a solution with economic and environmental benefits, and their utilisation to district heating systems concerning peak load production would be interesting to study. If the estimated cost savings due DSM are estimated to be between 1–

25 %, the cost savings from the total production costs, from optimal usage of DSM with seasonal thermal storages and co-operation between sectors could bring even bigger benefits.

Biggest questions about DSM implementing are the controlling of DSM, the willingness of

customers to participate, possible incentives required and also the pricing model.

Implementing of DSM requires real-time measuring data, intelligence in the network and automatized systems. It should be ensured that consumers doesn't receive any unpleasantness.


The MCP-directive was published by the European Union in 2015 and was implemented to the Finnish legislation in the end of 2017. The scope units of the MCP-directive are energy production units with a thermal power of 1 MW or more but less than 50 MW. The main objective of this thesis was to study whether Fortum's units in the scope in Finland are in line with the MCP-decree. And if not, what action paths there is to fulfil the requirements.

Basic information, emission levels, emission limit values and monitoring requirements of the units in the scope were examined and part of the scope units were registered to the environmental authorities' data systems.

In the existing situation majority of the units studied in this thesis fulfilled the requirements set by the MCP-decree. Because of the reorganised production structure in the Joensuu district heating system it was studied what kind of action paths there is if the role of a case unit is changed and the MCP-decree's emission limit values are applied. Scenarios chosen to be studied were primary methods to decrease emissions in the case of operating hours increasing, switching the fuel to bio oil and utilising demand-side management to replace all or part of the operating hours of the case unit and thus avoid the applying of MCP emission limit values.

Also the utilisation of the exemption concerning horse manure combustion in medium energy production units unit was studied in a case unit. It was identified that requirements are possible to reach, but the incentive to add horse manure to the fuel mix is needed in addition to the exemption itself.


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