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7.3 Future research

This research produces potential research topics and raises further questions. The future electricity distribution networks’ system analysis could be exploited for the application and the communications’ development for the electricity distribution networks.

1. Analysis of the dissimilar electricity distribution networks through their evolution phases:

The desired functionalities and UCs related to energy management, voltage and frequency control for power balance management, and protection and outage management could be differentiated among dissimilar electricity distribution networks by questionnaires, interviews, and testing. The questionnaires and the interviews could be directed to the defined stakeholders for testing the relevance of the ADN functionalities based on the functions defined in this thesis and Publications II, IX. Simulations and testing, according to the defined TUCs, could be carried out with a co-simulation platform. The functions can be studied in more detail by the activities that an object of an actor class could perform and the events that change the object’s state. The results could be presented by state diagrams, which help analyse a single object’s behaviour in multiple UCs. A state diagram describes all possible states, which an object can transfer and how

the functions aligned to an object can change its state. Even the types of events can be classified like the measurement or the alarm types.

The actors of the electricity distribution network system are, in fact, roles, which a user of the system has. A system user can have several roles, as a protection device can provide various protection functions, act as a measuring or an alarming actor. The actors defined in this thesis summary and in Publications I, II, and IX can be studied further by their fundamental roles and the roles they might afford added value to other actors, system’s operators or stakeholders. As a result, the analysis of the actors by functionalities could be produced, and the operation of the dissimilar electricity distribution networks by their evolution phases could be utilised for the total management system description and development.

2. The description of the electricity distribution networks’ management system along with the communication system design requirements in the different evolution phases:

Based on the analysis of the electricity distribution network operations and actors, the management functions could be represented with sequence diagrams, which illustrates the collaboration between the objects related to a single UC clarifying the events’ sequence. The sequence diagrams help explore the behaviour of several objects in a process. Alternatively, a state diagram or a state chart is valuable when investigating a single object's behaviour in multiple UCs. The created diagrams (UC, class, state and sequence) could be analysed interlinked.

The developed UCs, diagrams and analysis might indicate the redundancies and lacking items or aspects in developing an electricity distribution network management system. For example, gaps in actors’

activities, classifications of objects or associations of the classes. A suitable communication network hierarchy, media, and protocols could be discovered by analysing an object-oriented electricity distribution network operation model. Optimal system design and communication requirements could be presented.

The actors’ information flows could be analysed, including the amount, priorities, and criticality of the data sent or received. A general co-simulation model of the data transmission could be built to define the data transfer requirements for measurements, control events, and protection.

3. Accelerated CHIL testing methods for testing microgrids’ ASs provision:

The developed method in Publication VII can be further developed. For example, more detailed stability and technical analysis of the proposed approach is needed. Also, the testing method of various controllers’

interactions must be developed.

4. The following methods and tools for joint road mapping in co-creation:

Extended T-plan method of workshopping to produce the stakeholders’

joint roadmap.

Holistic futures scenario building and storytelling methods including quantitative models (for example as Chapter 3), and qualitative local models (for example as Chapters 4 -6) of transitions.

UML method and a tool for visualising and holistically analysing the multidisciplinary system.

5. Road-mapping methodology presented in this thesis to be evaluated in the living lab development process.


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