• Ei tuloksia

The current research offered many interesting combinations of theories and analyses from various standpoints on innovativeness, although deeper examination is needed, since the empirical material was restricted. This research focused on certain professions or organizational functions and was not able to provide information on the different organization levels, e.g. the distinct KM practices operating in a separate group or unit or views on understanding the benefits of information system adoption or utilization. Further research is required about the functional KM practices identified as promoting the innovativeness of the organization and their effectiveness for innovation processes.

However, this kind of effectiveness evaluation needs a systematic project in companies to develop the identified issues, measurements for the evaluation and a longitudinal research.

Change is an ever-present phenomenon in the operations of an organization. Change has effects on the actors of the organization as well as on operations and needs work in the present and preparation for the future. The future research is an instructive research area. The future study aspect of the current research was limited to utilization of future research methods. The successful future analyses of the organization were considered for investigation: how the analyses and the visions of the organization are implemented. However, this requires longitudinal research with the organizations as well.

This research identified that the individual in the organization has a strong role in promoting the development of the organization and innovation process. There is a need for a tool that the individual can use to evaluate the innovation process and the new ideas for the processes, commercial products or services of the organization. Furthermore, longitudinal research could be carried out on how the evaluated innovation ideas are concretized into commercial products, services or process innovations in the organizations or, alternatively, the reasons behind an unsuccessful product, service or process innovation cycle. This may lead to another theory combination for innovativeness, which is a complementary theory for the innovation process.


The companies may meet unknown IT adoption challenges than presented in this research because of developing technology. However, new technology can bring opportunities for the organizations. Interesting future avenues are offered by co-innovative platforms that may be digital or more traditional co-operation. Open access innovation creates huge opportunities for organizations. The manufacturing transformation with robotics brings new interesting research areas. Robotics offers a new way of operating and gives the actors a new kind of role in their work.

The released resources should be targeted for ideation and design for seminal products, services and processes. This human-robot interaction offers a novel research area. However, the new co-operation platforms and innovation systems within the new work roles require flexible thinking and future awareness, knowledge sharing, IT adoption up front and change readiness not only from individuals but from the organizations and other stakeholders.



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