• Ei tuloksia


7.4   Future research

This study has drawn a quite detailed picture of the key characteristics and key capabilities and skills at the customer interface, comparing the two types of knowledge-intensive business services. Both the capabilities on organizational level, and the skills on individual level were identified, and the interplay between the two levels was recognized. However, further research is needed to focus exclusively to the interplay of the two levels.

This could be carried out by focusing on a narrower sector of capabilities, like communication. The framework of this study was too wide for deeper examination.

It has been learned that there are several factors that have relational effect on the needed capabilities and skills. The level of needed consultation describes how knowledgeable and competent the customers are in understanding their own needs, figuring the possible solutions, deploying the new services and making decisions. The uniqueness of customers and the needed level of consultation seem to form a notable factor as evaluating the complexity of a service providing. Hence, the research related to capability to determine the competency level of customers and development of services accordingly, would profit the service business providers in a significant manner. Also related to this issue, a capability to manage the intangibility of services would be worth further research.


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Appendix 1: The results of the focus groups

CASE Alpha CASE Beta

Building customer relationships

Listening the customer○

Real desire to help○

Reliability in doing the promised Building long-term relationships*

Seeing through others eyes Activity

Targeted marketing*

Exploitation the existing value promise of the brand, in building new service, simultaneously renewing it.*

Managing the reputation*

Transparent and honest behavior towards customers

The esthetic appearance of the service elements

Organization-wide brand building from the very beginning*

Understanding Customer needs

Expertise on customer’s business General business expertise*


Expertise in customer’s market Expertise in customer’s customers

Continuous learning Multi-industrial expertise*

Thinking of customer’s best interest General business expertise

Adapting the firm resources with the customer needs

Clear responsibilities and decision making procedures, “responsible teams”*

Technical project capabilities Scheduling the projects

Productizing the project procedures*

HR management in projects Communication in projects

Activating the customer to see the end users needs

Linking the customer to the knowledge sharing procedures

Managing resistance movements*

Visualization the final output

Consultative Listening○

Identifying the most relevant needs Collecting the development ideas Developing the service on ground of the customer feedback*

Right people making decisions*

Ability to step in different roles at personal level when planning the service○

Wide horizontal expertise Customer-driven R&D Agility*

Technically integrative service Sight beyond own service to customer’s business○

* Institutionalized / More important as organizational capability ° Dispersed within individuals / More important as individual skil

Appendix 2: Pre-Interview for two key informants of Alpha

Alpha 22.3.2010

1. Which service sectors have got the biggest volume?

2. Can different types of services be divided in core businesses and support businesses?

3. Which are older, which newer services?

4. What sort of trends can be seen? The role of cloud computing? On which services do they want to put effort? Which services are expected to grow the most? Why?

5. Which services are the most productized?

6. Which services require the most external resources? What are these external resources?

7. In which services the role of customer in co-producing the services is the highest? How does the customer involve? Challenges?

8. Do customers participate in product development? In which service?

9. What sort of requirements the customer involvement settles to their firm?

How about to the personnel?

10. What kind of customer relationship can be classified as good one, when the customer’s role in service producing is high?

11. How does the nature of customer relationship change in highly productized services?

Appendix 3: Interview frame for employees


This is a deepening interview focusing especially on the skills needed in your work in customer-interface. Pre-info has been sent by e-mail to both interviewees

This is a deepening interview focusing especially on the skills needed in your work in customer-interface. Pre-info has been sent by e-mail to both interviewees