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5.6. Future research

This study offers a narrow picture of CS communications in the field of co-operatives and food industry. More research is needed in order to form a picture of larger CS communication practices. Furthermore, comparisons between the largest co-operatives and the largest limited companies

operating in the food industry could reveal whether co-operatives in the food industry are forming their CS practices and CS communication solely based on institutional mechanisms within particular organization field or do they possess some inherent heritage in their organizational identity that could even start a new sustainability culture referred by Starik and Kanashiro (2013).

The critics have been presented that large cooperatives operating internationally are adapting to the practices of investor-owned firms (Nilsson et al. 2012). This can be explained by conducting more research which compares CS practices between organizational forms. Furthermore, more focused research conducted for smaller worker-owned co-operatives which are closer to their starting point and perhaps closer to co-operative principles as well. Perhaps the sustainability culture could start its development from the smaller actors.

CS communication toward different stakeholders may differ based on communication channel. This study focused on merely written CS texts which are channeled and form only one interpretation of CS discourses.

As a suggestion for the future research, websites and corporate blogs as a source of active CS communication are increasing and organizations are utilizing different CS communication channels in new ways. Integrated solutions in web pages are more dynamic than traditional CS reports.

Varying channels make also the focusing on a specific stakeholder group easier.

CS texts and CS practices are institutionalized as part of language usage and it is possible that CS discourses and their roles may illustrate and reflect differently in different communication channels. This kind of future research could be conducted from the social constructionist perspective in order to understand the production of CS discourses from the aspect of active agency and as well from the aspect of reader as an active participant of language production.

This study has its limitations and the research outcomes relies strongly on the researcher’s choices and pre-assumptions. This study offers one aspect and logic to define CS discourses in the field of food industry and some topics which may be used as a starting point for a more narrowed and specific research. CS is a large field of research and by studying context specific key areas of CSR it is possible to produce more in-depth interpretations and increase understanding.


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