• Ei tuloksia

Further research questions

6. Discussion and conclusion

6.4 Further research questions

This study is based on the development of the public procurement in social and health care sector, but it could be also expanded in the future to study the opportunities to improve public procurements also in the other sectors. Can there be find similarities between different sectors and what are the major differences in public procurement practices.

The health, social services and regional government reform create lots of new opportunities to study the subject in the future. How the reform has changed the public procurements or how the reform has affect the companies balance of power, is there only big companies participating public procurement and what is the role of the SME’s.

Also the comparison between private and public procurement could be interesting subject to study. How public procurement could be improved to be more like private sector and what workable methods could be implemented from private procurement to the public procurement. The possible scenario, that there are only few bigger organizations in the future, which have lots of smaller ones as a subcontractor, creates interesting possibilities for public procurement to execute procurements. It would be interesting to study, how the new situation could be exploited to have more effective public procurements.


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