• Ei tuloksia




In conclusion, it seems that Finland will have to get used to a new and once again more demanding international environment. While it is im-possible to predict the exact shape that the international order will take, the major transitions analysed in this report suggest that global politics will be both more complex and more competitive. Even if parts of the liberal international order may prove surprisingly resilient, a return to

14 Ali-Yrkkö, Rouvinen, Sinko & Tuhkuri 2016.

the kind of Western-led rules-based order that has characterised the post-Cold War era is not on the cards. Particularly for a small state like Finland, the ongoing changes in the international order and the resulting uncertainties are a cause for concern. However, this time Finland is not alone, but faces the new situation as a part of an EU that is characterised by deep interdependencies between its members. It is in Finland’s inter-ests to further strengthen these interdependencies and contribute to the resilience and vitality of the EU. It is equally in its interests to enhance the EU’s ability to take advantage of its own hybrid character by looking for partners among the wide group of state and non-state actors in order to strengthen its power in the policy fields most important for it.

Finland should also be prepared for the possibility of the political sit-uation around its borders becoming even more complicated, if the weak-ening of the rules-based order advances fast and the world moves towards competing regional orders. This implies that the current confrontation between the EU and Russia will be of a more long-standing character and may even be aggravated as the common normative framework between them becomes narrower. Apart from the EU’s unity, cooperation with like-minded countries is key in such a situation, together with the clar-ification of Finland’s own international role and values. It goes without saying that Finland’s location in the interface between two regional orders stresses its need to ensure the existence of, and full respect for, at least a minimal level of common rules safeguarding the co-existence of the orders.

Finally, Finland should make efforts to contribute to decreasing the dividing lines and conflict potential between great powers, or the regional orders, making use of the multifaceted structure of actors in world politics.

To this end, Finland should also look for possible partners among non-state actors worldwide and contribute to the establishment of networks of like-minded actors in the various issue areas of global politics. If done successfully, this could strengthen positive interdependencies and fa-cilitate the construction of a common agenda among state actors as well.

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