• Ei tuloksia

Despite the good and encouraging initial results, emotional competences should not be overlooked or taken for granted in the training of future educators nor in the training of those teachers who have years of experience. Several research (Ciarrochi & Mayer; 2007; Dacre & Qualter, 2012; Doikou & Diamandidou, 2011, Nelis et al., 2009; Pérez-Escoda et al., 2013) have shown that when participants are exposed to emotional intelligence training, their scores increase, implying that these levels might be much higher if additional social-emotional development programs for Spanish teachers were implemented.

Teachers' Emotional Intelligence clearly plays a key role in providing a satisfactory and adequate education, supporting students' learning in a variety of ways (Barchard, 2013; Battistich et al., 2000; Billings et al., 2014; Brouzos et al., 2014), and preventing burnout in teachers (Pena Garrido & Extremera Pacheco, 2010). As a result, teachers worldwide need support when dealing with the complexities of students' social and behavioral conducts, as well as training to be emotionally able to manage all the demands set upon them and the failures when they do not meet those.

All the contextualisation, findings and results shown above offer previously unknown information on the emotional intelligence of a sample of Spanish educators, and might lead to a better understanding of the current situation regarding Emotional intelligence in the Spanish educational context. The scarcity of socio-emotional programs in Spain targeted at increasing teachers' emotional intelligence was already a source of concern for Fernández-Berrocal and Ruiz Aranda (2008), and the situation has not changed much since then. This study can act as a starting point and a testing ground for more of those socio-emotional programs to be developed. If the future of Spanish education is to be consistent with what research has shown to date, with what educational laws require, and with the model of European society that Spanish education should be pursuing, teacher training must incorporate emotional intelligence instruction (Palomera, et al., 2017).


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